1. I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-algebra Teacher

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I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-algebra Teacher

Disclaimer: I don't own the Percy Jackson series. Everything belongs to Rick Riordan. Only Persephone Jackson, is mine.

Percy hated her life. She hated Yancy Academy. She also hated Nancy Bobofit. And she hated Mrs Dodds. Not necessarily in that order.

See, she was on her way to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and while she usually would've loved a trip like that (getting out of Yancy, being with her best friend Grover, and having Mr Brunner leading the field trip was a treat within itself), it didn't erase the fact that she still had to be in the same bus as Nancy Bobofit and Mrs Dodds, and the latter kept throwing her dark looks as if trying to figure out ways to punish her for something she hadn't even done yet. By that time, however, Percy was used to it. Mrs Dodds could find anything to punish Percy for.

Nancy, on the other hand, didn't have the same self control Mrs Dodds had. That was why Percy was gritting her teeth, her hands clenched together, trying to calm herself down while the other girl was throwing pieces of her peanut-butter-and-ketchup sandwich in Grover's hair, and Mrs Dodds, as usual, wasn't seeing a thing.

Grover was scrawny. He cried easily. And he was crippled. He had a little goatee too—she suspected that he must've been held back a few years, which made her feel a little closer to him because she understood what it was like to do terribly in the education system—and putting all that together made him an easy target for bullies. But that didn't stop him from having one of the biggest hearts that Percy knew. He could be sweet and kind, though a little bit insensitive sometimes, which was why Percy liked being his friend. Unfortunately, most people didn't see him the way she did, and Nancy Bobofit was a prime example of that.

If Percy hadn't been on probation, she would've gotten up and pummelled Nancy already ten minutes ago. Instead, she was forced to just sit with gritted teeth and an urge to murder Nancy, but it wasn't like she could do anything. Grover was dodging the chunks of sandwich she threw at him with surprising agility, but he wouldn't last long. Nancy must've known she couldn't do anything, Percy thought, grinding her teeth furiously. That must've been why she was targeting Grover. Out of everybody she could choose, she really just had to go for Griver, right? There were twenty-five other mental nutcases in the bus.

Finally, Percy snapped when Grover wasn't fast enough and a piece landed in his hair. She started to rise with a death glare aimed straight at Nancy, but before she could do anything, Grover had grabbed her elbow and forced her to sit back down.

"It's okay," Grover tried to say encouragingly. "I like peanut butter."

"With ketchup? In your hair?"

Grover flailed around for a response, but before he could say anything, the bus screeched to a stop and Mr Brunner called, "Everybody out!" and Percy didn't miss the look of relief on Grover's face when the boy realized that he didn't need to respond. Instead, he just busied himself with grabbing his bag and Percy just glumly picked up hers.

She later wished she had just punched Nancy right then and there. It would've been nothing compared to what she was about to get herself into.

Mr Brunner, the Latin teacher at Yancy, was easily her favorite teacher. At least, his class was the only one that didn't put her to sleep. His hair was thinning, and he had a scruffy beard and a frayed tweed jacket, and he always smelled like coffee. In class, he often told stories and jokes and let them play games as another way of learning, and he also had a collection of Roman armor and weapons, which always made class interesting. Mr Brunner seemed like the only teacher who actually cared about his students learning, which was one of the things Percy appreciated about him.

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