chapter 2

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Five years old, the now young Aoi Tori just got through catching a bucket load of fish twice his size, thanks to his two winglike sheilds. Ever since he was born, his Saiyan comrades looked down upon him. And ofcourse, even his own siblings did so as well. They would call him all sorts of stuff, while his parents would do nothing. It's no suprise that he always knew his parents didn't care for him, so he stayed out of their way. When he first made five, he left to live on his own in the caves located to the far eastern part of the planets' mountains.

The first month living in the mountain region, he encountered many strange predators. Some of them were almost as big as a baby great ape. They ranged from deadly armored wolves to massive red leopard Jaguar creatures. The most vicious of them all is the Giant Red Panthera as Aoi calls it due to its mentality. It stands at least 30ft and is heavily robust built. It's fur is red while contrasting to its metallic gold mane that glows blue when it's angry.

When Aoi first encountered the creature, he would train by dodging the large cat creature's teeth and paw swipes. However, after a while the creature realized that no matter how fast it tried to catch the prey, the kid would only dodge him like it's a game. And so it befriended Aoi.
There were some creatures that lived in the cave with him at night that were vegetarians.

Three months later...

It's been three months since I've  exiled myself from my family and haven't had any interaction with my race at all.

Red Panthera decided to introduce me to the remaining Tuffles, which so happen to be strange anthro females of the original species. At first they thought I was a threat until Red step in defended me while explaining to them in their ancient native language.  Afterwards we were on somewhat good terms. From them I learned the basic galactic language of several world's. Science was next on the list followed by math and engineering even though they don't have that much. And lastly, they taught me my most favorable of all. And that would be gardening, farming and of course, martial arts self-defense.

It was nice to finally meet new people. Especially Karin, the very last of the original Tuffles. At first we didn't get along, but after a few spankings and disabled by the elders, we became close friends. Very close. Well at least I think so.

Five months afterwards, Aoi noticed the increase in aggression from the animals around the area. From what the Tuffles told him, the Saiyans were looking for something or someone. Either way, if they were to discover the last of the Tuffles, then they will be no more. However, they did find away to survive.

Due to the Tuffles advance knowledge and stored resources, they were able to access a portal to another universe. In that universe, there's a whole solar system full of Tuffles. The good news is they could go there and live in peace. However, the bad news is Aoi Tori could not come due to the Saiyan reputation and just having to finish eradicating them after 10yrs.

Aoi was heart broken but accepted the fact non the less as he spent the last few days spending time with his friends or so you would them his family.

At the end of the week, the Tuffles have gotten everything they needed for the travel. They made sure to leave trace of their existence. Aoi received many tearful good byes from all of his friends while sone if not most of the adults felt sorry for the youth and will miss him dearly. The one who will miss him the most is his best friend Karin. She went to sleep hugging Aoi at night and wouldn't let go of him the following morning. The adults had a hard time separating the two, which resulted in Karin being sedated that will last for the next 3hrs.

Opening the portal to their new home, the Tuffles gradually walked through. In the next 10 minutes almost all of them were through the portal until a loud explosion was heard followed by a loud roar from Aoi's friend Red Panthera.

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