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"Good morning everyone, get yourselves into pairs quickly." The teacher ordered once they stepped in.

Minho and Mira were obviously together so they chose a pair of seats in the corner and sat down.

After everyone had arranged themselves into suitable pairs, the teacher came round checking whether the pairs would be able to work with each other or not.

She sighed when she got to a certain table. Mira recognized the students as Boo Seungkwan and Kim Jungwoo.

"I'm afraid you two cannot work together. Seungkwan go and work with Eunwoo and Jungwoo go and work with Juyeon." She said politely.

"But Miss, Eunwoo's a girl!" Seungkwan whined.

The teacher fixed him with a stern stare and he plodded over to the smart-looking girl. Jungwoo walked over wordlessly.

She came to Minho and Mira and smiled, "A perfect choice you two." Then she walked back to the front and explained.

"This is your new seating plan. And also these are your partners for the science fair. You must each come up with an idea and present it to the class. The winning two groups will then go and be part of the actual fair. You have 3 and a half weeks to come up with your idea then on the forth Thursday from now you will all present your ideas." Then she nodded and walked to her desk leaving them to plan alone.

"So what should our topic be?" she asked.

"Cats." He said without even thinking properly.


He nodded firmly and then she realized there would be no changing his mind here.

She sighed, "Fine we'll do cats. But what on cats?"

"I don't know. We'll find out later. We have three weeks right?"

She bit her bottom lip thoughtfully. "Fine."

The lesson ended signalling lunch. They walked out of class calmly and walked over to a small group of boys. She scanned them and recognized them immediately. She ran ahead and jumped onto Jeongin.

"Mira!" he exclaimed. "I see you found us."

"I'd know this," she tugged at some of his deep red hair, "Anywhere. And I had some help from someone."

Suddenly Minho appeared not looking too happy at all.

"You left me!" he wailed.

"Poor Minho. I'm sorry, but I found my new best friend!"

"What happened to me?"

"Yeah you passed the best friend level so I need someone to replace it and Jeongin here fit in perfectly." She smiled.

"You only met him yesterday." He pointed out, his eyebrow raised in a sceptical way. "And he's already letting you jump on his back?"

She nodded proudly. "He learns fast."

"Hey! Minho!" Jisung called and wrapped his arm around his best bud.

"Jisung!" Minho responded gladly.

"Leave the kids alone and join us." He said.

She looked at him weirdly. But I'm older than you... she thought before shrugging it off and turning to Felix and Changbin.

"I challenge you to a chicken fight!"

And then... chaos.

Changbin jumped onto Felix's back and they ran into Jeongin and Mira.

They battled for a while before Mira knocked Changbin off and he landed on the floor, his gelled hair muddy.

He glared at her and Jeongin furiously.

"Uh oh." Jeongin breathed.

"RUN!"she yelled and he was off.

Sorry it's so late today I had a party to go to ¬-¬

Like I said before, miroh era. Jeongin = Red hair


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