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They walked in silence. When they got to her house, he left the suitcases by the door and went to her bedroom. Now their bedroom. She followed him silently and saw him on the bed in the same, small, heart-breaking position he was in at his house.

She pulled him up again and hugged him. He clutched onto her as if she were the only thing that mattered. And, at the time, she was. He buried his head in the crook of her neck and wept. Small quiet sobs. She rubbed his back and muttered words into his ear. After a few minutes, he stopped crying but remained in the position. She didn't push him to get up. She knew he needed time. This was hard for him to digest.

Soon enough, he lifted his head and it was an agonizing sight to her eyes.

His eyes were red and puffy and his breath ragged. It was hard to see.

"You ok?" she asked softly.

He simply nodded and got up to get his suitcases.

She simply sat there and waited. This was going to be hard at first but it would loosen up right?

She stayed with him for the rest of the day. After they both got changed – separately of course! – They sat in her living room watching a movie and cuddling.

And again she fell asleep on him. She didn't even know how it happened. One minute she was lying next to him, her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat, the next she was fast asleep and dozing.

He didn't find out until after the movie and when he did, he got a slight shock. Because it was at pretty much max volume, and she was asleep.

He instantly muted the television and lifted her up gently in his arms, bridal style. He took her to the bed and lay her in there. She was wearing her pyjamas luckily so he didn't need to see anything he'd regret. Then he sat lay next to her on his phone. He blocked his parents as they wouldn't shut up and completely deleted their numbers. Then he put it down and lay down next to her.

Sorry it's a bit late today, my brother was on the computer all day. ¬-¬

Also, Beret!!


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