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His eyes widened, his jaw dropped and his breath hitched.

Of course, he knew this day would come. But he wasn't ready for it. How could he choose? The man who provided for the family or the woman who raised him? He held his hand over the speaker and breathed. Long deep breaths, calming himself down. Then he looked down at Mira. The girl who'd earned his heart. He shook her awake gently. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. He signalled her to be quiet and pointed at his phone.

"You will of course choose me right my baby Minho?" his mother said.

"Uhm... I need a minute to think mother, I will come when I've made my mind." He said.

"You have until tomorrow. That's exactly 5 hours and 24 minutes." She said and ended the call.

"Oh Minho," Mira sighed and pulled him in for a hug.

He buried his face in her neck shedding a few tears.

"What am I gonna do?" he sobbed, his voice muffled by the fabric of her school shirt.

"You can come live here." She shrugged.

"What?" he asked, sitting up and looking her in the eyes.

His expression was unreadable, so she quickly defended herself, "I mean, if you want. Or you could just stay with one of your parents or even get your own-"

"That's a perfect idea. I'll go get my stuff!" he exclaimed feeling cheery all of a sudden.

They walked downstairs and slipped on their shoes before walking out the door.

When they got there, he took a deep breath. He seemed troubled, scared even. She could tell by the tapping of his foot, his stance, how his legs were rigid, and his shoulders strong, standing straight. She held his hand and he squeezed it gratefully. He knocked on the door and it flew open revealing his mother. She walked in and they were led to the living room. She could see a war had happened there. Literally. There were objects thrown around the room, everything. Books, pens, even glasses. She held Minho's hand tighter not because she was scared, but to comfort him.

For Minho, this was a complete shock. He was flabbergasted. He couldn't see it as his house anymore. It looked raided, robbed. And he was embarrassed. He'd never let Mira inside his house and he was ashamed that this was the first glimpse she got before she was never able to return ever again. Then she squeezed his hand and he took it as her saying it was ok and that she didn't mind. She'd never squeezed his hand like that before. They'd never held hands like that before. It was all new to him. Everything.

"Minnie, why don't you tell me who you chose?" his mother beamed from the doorway.

His father was sitting on the sofa, "Hey Minho, who've you picked?"

It was as if they both completely disregarded each other's presence. Not only each other's but Mira's too. They didn't ask who she was, where he'd met her. They ignored her and only focused on who he'd pick.

"I pick... Mira." He said.

"...Who?" his father asked.

"And who is that?" his mother asked.

"Mira is my absolutely perfect-timed girlfriend." He explained.

"And how long have you been dating?" his father asked.

His mother simply raised an eyebrow.

"We've been dating for three years now. If you'd cared about me you would've known!" he yelled, suddenly angry.

Actually Min, we've only been dating for a few hours but... ok? Mira thought.

The two adults looked disgusted as they scanned Mira.

"Why?" his mother asked.

"This little flea?" his father asked.

"Because she's mine. And I love her. And I need to leave this hell-hole because I absolutely hate both of you." He said through gritted teeth.

His grip on her hand tightened. She had to poke him slightly so he wouldn't crush it. He nodded an apology and led her out of the room and to his bedroom.

He sat down on the bed and curled up. It pained her to see him like this. His eyes looked as if they were threatening to spill tears, his lips were quivering, and he looked – and felt – small.

She sat down beside him and pulled him up.

"Look Min, we can do all this at home. Right now we need to go." She said, steadily.

He nodded and got up to start packing.

He looked ready because he pulled out two suitcases and threw a few bundles in.

"Ready." He said.

"Is that everything?" she asked.

He nodded and they walked out the house without saying a word to his parents who were already at each other again.

All settled. He's happy now.

Also I have this thing for Minho in  beret. Like look^ it's beautiful <3

That's all for today's update.


STRAY KIDS FF Lee Knowजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें