Chapter 4

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The next day Luke headed back to the dark house. The house no longer scared him now that he knew he had a friend there. He approached the door and knocked. Nothing. He knocked again. There was a clattering and he heard the spirit say

 "Come in Luke." Luke opened the door and stepped in. 

"How'd you know it was me?" Luke asked. 

"I don't get visitors, except for you." The spirit responded matter of factly. Luke nodded. That made sense.
"I just realized," Luke started "I never got your name." The spirit hesitated

 "Mantel." He said.

 "Mantel? You were named after the founder of Candyland?" Luke asked.

 "Correction: I am the founder of Candyland." The spirit said. Luke's jaw dropped. 

"Really?! Why didn't you tell me before?!" Luke said.

"You never asked." The spirit said. Luke sat down on a nearby chair.

"You're really the Mantel Crawford?" Luke asked. He couldn't believe it.

 " The one and only." The spirit responded. 

"I can't believe it! You're my idol, I've looked up to you my whole life and-" Luke stammered.

"Woah slow down son! I'm still the same person as I was yesterday!" The spirit responded. Luke took a breath. 

"It's weird," Luke said "you don't seem like how I always imagined Mantel to act." 

"Well people aren't always who they seem." The spirit muttered. 

"What?" Luke asked. 

"Nothing, I have a lot of work to do," the spirit said "you should get home now Luke, your mother's probably worried." Luke felt himself being pushed out the door. 

"Uh, bye?" Luke asked confused. And with that the door slammed behind him.

    Red sat on the edge of her bed. She should be happy. It was her birthday wasn't it? She should be hanging with friends, playing games, and eating too much cake.
Red flipped over and slumped on her bed. She heard the door open and she turned to see her mother in the doorway.
"Honey, I know you're having a rough day but you should try to get outside! Go hangout with a friend!"
Red sighed. "Ok." She mumbled and got up to fumble around in her dresser for something to wear. She grabbed some jeans, a shirt, and her favorite camo jacket.
Red didn't have many clothes. No one really did in the small village of Candyland.
The town was very small with a population of only 300 people. And true to its name, was filled with candy. Candy grew everywhere, on trees, bushes, and plants. The village also grew their own food and had a small grocery store. Along with a grocery store there was a school, a general store, one restaurant, a clothing store, and a few other necessities. It was a pretty normal town besides the fact that it was in a different dimension.
In 3064, a scientist named Mantel Crawford discovered Candyland by accident through a transponrate device he created. He hoped someday the human race could move there in case the Earth became inhabitable. However, after realizing that 80% of the dimension of Candyland was covered with water, he gave up on the idea. He still wanted to test the habitability of Candyland so he sent 10 people, (5 females 5 males) as testers of the dimension. He sent them with wood, clothes, seeds, tools, and everything they might need to survive for 30 days. When the 30 days had passed he decided that Candyland was perfectly safe to live in and started to build a village there and the village of Candyland was created.
Red slipped into the bathroom and brushed her teeth. Then she headed downstairs and out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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