Prologue: 1 year ago

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     "Red! Red wake up!" Red moaned and turned over. "Reddie! Come on! Get up!" Red grumbled 

 "Luke, I'm tired!"

 "Ok fine." Luke said "I guess I'll just eat Mom's special pancakes all by myself then." Red's eyes shot open. Luke laughed "I knew that would work! Now come on! Unless you want Dad to finish them!" Red hopped out of bed. 

"Race you there!" she said. Red and Luke ran out into the hallway. Red hopped on the railing and slid down. 

"Hey! No fair!" Luke called while running down the stairs. Red just turned and stuck out her tongue. She slid off the railing right into her seat. 

"Another win for me." She said triumphantly. Luke slid into his seat wheezing. 

"Only by a few seconds!" Luke argued. 

"A few seconds?!" Red said "I've been waiting for HOURS, old man!" 

"I'm not old!" Luke said "I'm only 3 years older!"

"That's enough arguing!" their mom said coming to table with a plate filled with cinnamon sugar pancakes. "And Red," she said "I've already told you, I don't like you sliding down the railing. But since it's your birthday, I'll let it slide." She added a wink. "Now," she said "Eat up!" Red shoveled pancakes into her mouth. 

"Where's dad?" She said through a whole bite of pancakes. 

" Your father is outside getting your present ready." Her mom replied.

 "What is it?!" Red asked.

 "That's a surprise!" Red's mom said, bopping her on the nose! Red gulped down her pancakes and leaped from her seat to race outside. Luke ran and followed her. She opened the door and gasped. Outside stood a 10 foot tall rock wall! 

"Do you like it?" Luke asked. 

"I love it!" Red said beaming. "Thanks dad!" She said giving her dad a big hug. 

"You should thank Luke, it was his idea." Her dad said. Red ran over to Luke and gave him a huge hug. Luke smiled and hugged back. 

"Race you to the top?" He asked. 

"You bet!" Red said and together they raced up the climbing wall. Red scrambled up quickly just before Luke and pressed the buzzer at the top. "Ha!" She said "I win again! Sad Luke?" She said. 

"Nope!" he said " Cuz I'm gonna win on the way down!" He said grinning and began to scramble down to the bottom. 

"Hey! No fair! You got a head start!" Red giggled and began to scramble down as well.

      When they reached the bottom they played some more on the rock wall before it was time for dinner.

Okay!!! So that was the first chapter! Im so happy I finished it! I actually had this story idea a long time ago but only got around to writing it now. Anyway I hope you liked it. Im sorry if the grammar and spelling isn't the best but I'm trying. Just so you know I probably won't be updating very much cuz I get very busy. Make sure to vote if you liked it and leave comments on ways I can improve.
See ya next time

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