The boys started cheering and Lucy started too. I smiled as I pulled away looking at the gang. Realizing how happy I am, made me smile more.

"Group hug!" Ham yelled dropping his sign and running over to where me and Benny where standing.

I laugh as the boys ran over to us wrapping their arms around us.

I wasn't really as nervous being in a relationship as I would with someone else that wasn't Benny.

What was different about Benny, is that he knew about everything that was going on. His family did too. He would be there for me and not distance himself like others would have done and then cheat on me. He would be standing by my side and helping me with whatever was happening.

As time went on, we started making our way back home, where all I wanted was to just lay down and fall asleep.

As we walked down the sidewalk, the house was too quiet. When we were out my mother was either passed out, at a club, bar, or at her new job the strip club. Or she was back here with a different guy doing things I don't even want to think of.

"It's too quiet." I mumbled looking over at Cam.

He shrugged looking back at me, "Big deal, it'll never be like this again."

I looked back at the house, "I don't know man, this isn't usual."

I turned to Benny, standing with us, "I'll see you tomorrow, okay? 8 am sharp right?"

He nodded, smiling at me, "Please, I'll see you tomorrow at 2, since young lady, you have work."

"Shit, I almost forgot." I said chuckling to myself, "But seriously, good night, don't want to hold you up from dinner."

He shrugged giving me a kiss, "I don't see a problem."

I watch as he crosses the street and I turned back to Cam, then look at the house again.

I walked over to the door and slowly opened it. Looking down the hallway, seeing no one standing there. So I walked in, looking through the kitchen and living room, seeing once again, no one was standing there.

I heard a muffle voice coming from one of the bedrooms, "Stay here."

I walked down the hallway as Cam and Lucy stayed in the living room, and the muffle voice becoming louder as I reached mothers room.

I reached my hand up to the nob and twisted it slowly. As I hear a click that it was unlatched, I pushed open the door.

I looked up to see my mother sitting on her bed. Looking dead at the wall that stood in front of her. Her mumbling was just at a whisper that I could nearly hear or understand it.

As I looked down at where her hands were, there sat a gun between both hands.

"Momma?" I called out.

She stopped mumbling and looked over to where I was, then continued on mumbling.

"Momma what are you doing?" I asked and stepped forward only for her to slowly bring up the gun to her temple.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

That's when I could understand what she was saying.

"You are beautiful, you are beautiful, you are beautiful." She said on a repeat.

"Who was beautiful momma?" I whisper as a limp stared to form in my throat.

"You are mine, you are mine, you are mine." She changed.

"Who? Who are you talking about?" I tired to swallow.

"You are my whole life. Pink. Flowers. Family. Baseball. Pink. Flowers. Family. Baseball. You is my whole life." She changed words again.

I was starting to see her pattern. My father wrote her these words in the wedding vowels. I was born right before they had their wedding, so they had a bridal and baby shower.

Pink - me
Flowers - wedding
Family - what they were making
Baseball - my dad's whole life.

"You are my whole life" is the last sentence my father said to my mother before he passed away.

I took a notice to the room seeing it destroyed. Papers and pictures filled the floor. That's when I put two and two together. Today is my fathers anniversary of his death. Which happens to be he same day that me and Benny got together. How could I forget my own fathers death anniversary?

"Momma, put the gun down." I said now reaching out my hand out.

She slowly put her finger on the trigger.

"Momma! Stop!" I yelled at her.

That was when it all flashed.

The ringing of the gun going off still played in my head. Seeing her breathing one second and now not anymore, I couldn't. She was literally a second ago breathing sitting on that bed.

I watch as her body fell forward and the gun fall out of her hand beside her. Blood was now pouring from her hole of the gunshot. I could feel the warm blood on my face, dropping down, I was covered in blood splatters,

I couldn't take my eyes off of the scene. But before I could even turn around, Cam was standing there with Lucy standing right by him. Now doing the same thing as me, not looking up from the scene in front of us.

My mother, just killed herself right in front of me.

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