Going home

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Aaliyah woke up from her nap. She couldn't see Jameel anywhere. "Jameel" she yelled. Jameel came running. Aaliyah hugged him tightly. "I thought you'd left" she said upset. "Really? After everything, you thought I'd gone?" Aaliyah didn't respond, she just hugged him and wept. Jameel held her tightly. "Come, let's have breakfast." After breakfast, Aaliyah told Jameel she wanted to return home. "We've done what we came to do. Let's go now."

Jameel booked the tickets and they left. Aaliyah slept during the flight. Sure, she didn't know everything, but she knew enough. When they landed, Jameel nudged Aaliyah and told her they'd arrived. Aaliyah was thrilled to be home. She didn't realise how much she missed home.

"I've booked a table at your favourite restaurant tonight. I thought first night back, you wouldn't want to cook." "You really are a brilliant boyfriend."

Jameel and Aaliyah were both talking, when Jameel dropped his fork. He bent down to get it, and got on one knee. Aaliyah gasped.

"Aaliyah, I love you more than anything. Will you make me the happiest guy alive?"

"Well, I've only gone and fallen for you in two lives. I can't imagine being with anyone else."


Aaliyah burst into tears. "Yes, you dummy. Yes." Jameel slid the ring on her finger, and kissed her. They later had a private celebration at home.

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