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"Don't you dare leave me".

"I'm not. I'll always be a part of you and even if you can't see me, I'll be with you ".

"Don't say that. You can't leave me after everything you did for me and all the promises you made. You can't break them".

"I'm sorry".

"Jameel" yelled Aaliyah as she woke from her dream. Aaliyah looked around her room and sighed. She had been having these dreams for as long as she could remember. What's happening to me she thought. Who the hell is this Jameel guy and who is he to me, and why is he in my dreams? Aaliyah got up and got ready and went to work, putting these thoughts to the back of her mind.

"Aaliyah" yelled Jameel as he woke from his dream. He had been having these dreams for a long time. He couldn't explain it but felt something missing from his life. Like, he was incomplete in someway. Who are you he thought and why are you in my dreams?

The weird thing was Jameel didn't know a Aaliyah. Neither did Aaliyah know a Jameel. But these two would soon cross paths and realise just how timeless their love was, and how much they meant to each other.

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