Untitled Part 4

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True to his word, Jameel kept Aaliyah company whilst she was at the hospital. They watched movies together, ate junk food together, basically did everting together that couples did. Only problem was they didn't know that. Aaliyah found she really enjoyed Jameels company, and vice versa. Aaliyah hoped whoever she was looking for was as lovely as Jameel.

Finally, the day came for Aaliyah to be discharged. The doctors kept telling her what a lovely couple she and Jameel were, and how he must really love her to do this much for her. Aaliyah just grinned, sick of having to keep explaining. Jameel came, and Aaliyah was discharged alongside him. Aaliyah didn't know what was wrong, but she felt drawn to Jameel, which was weird as she'd just met him.

Jameel dropped Aaliyah off home and left. Aaliyah pottered around her flat, but felt something missing. She decided to go for a walk and found herself outside Jameels flat. She tried to leave, but her feet wouldn't move. She just stood there in silence, unsure what to do. 

Jameel, on the other hand felt off. He knew Aaliyah was something to him, based on his feelings every time he saw her, but he realised how crazy that was, considering he'd just met her. He decided to go see how she was, but was surprised to see her outside his door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I don't know."

Jameel ushered her inside and made her a hot drink to warm herself up. Aaliyah drank the drink in silence, whilst Jameel just looked at her. Aaliyah sat there in silence, not knowing what to say. Jameel tried to initiate conversation but Aaliyah said she was too tired. Jameel told her she was welcome to the spare room but Aaliyah said she could manage her way home. Aaliyah tried to leave, but her feet wouldn't cooperate.

Aaliyah walked up to Jameel, took his hands in hers and led him to his bedroom.

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