Untitled Part 3

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Aaliyah stirred in her sleep. No matter what she tried, these dreams wouldn't leave her. She realised she needed help. Maybe I can undergo hypnotherapy to find out what these dreams means. She was surprised to see the boy from earlier, in the chair opposite fast asleep. She realised she needed to thank him for earlier, but didn't know his name. She got out of bed silently and tried to wake him up.

"Listen, get up" she said shaking him

"Huh? What" Jameel said

" Relax. It's only me. Thank you for before. But you didn't have to stay with me."

"It's ok. I didn't mind." How could Jameel tell her that when he tried to walk away, he felt his heart breaking, like he was leaving something important behind.

The doctor came in and told Aaliyah that she was severely dehydrated and needed to stay in hospital for a while yet. "You are lucky, your boyfriend brought you in here at the right time, otherwise it could have been worse. You need to be on a drip for the next few days." Aaliyah tried to protest, but the doctor was adamant.

"But I need to go, I have to find someone or something." "Sorry Aaliyah, this is a serious issue." 

Jameel stood there quietly, feeling like an outsider. He knew he couldn't leave her because every time he did, he felt like he was dying. But he didn't know why as he had never seen her before in his life. Jameel came round to Aaliyah and said he'd keep her company for as long as she needed. "Why?" asked Aaliyah, " no offence, but we don't know each other."

Jameel shrugged. He couldn't tell her the truth, so instead said "Your in hospital and you don't have anyone to come visit you. Everyone should have someone. I'll come to you, even though I'm a stranger." Aaliyah smiled and Jameel smiled back. Who is she? he thought.

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