I look over at my team seeing the one and only Jackie Robinson throwing a ball with another favorite player of mine Eddie Stanky. The brat.

I smile as I take it all in. I'm sitting at a Yankees and Dodgers game with my favorite person ever.

"Gosh this is amazing." I mumble, watching the players.

"Hey! You kids!" I hear in front of us.

We both look at each other then down on the field.

"Where are your parents?" There stood the coach of the Dodgers team Leo Durocher.

"Uh, Mr. Durocher, we were just here to watch the game." I yelled down to him.

"Wow, you even know the coaches name, you must be a big fan." He came closer to the net that we sat behind.

"You are?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"I'm Naomi North, a big fan of the Dodgers, this is Benny, a big fan of the Yankees." I smiled over to him.

He crossed his arms, "Who's your favorite player?"

"Your first baseman and second baseman sir, Mr. Robinson and Mr. Spanky." I answered.

He smiled, "Two of my best players. Do you play softball?"

"Baseball sir, yes everyday." I corrected him.

"Position?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Pitch and first baseman." He nodded.

"And what do you play, gentleman?" He looked over at Benny.

"I play everything, mainly third base though." Benny said now sitting up.

"Is there a reason why you are here 2 hours before the game?" He asked and I looked over at Benny.

"We wanted to watch them warm up and to get to our seats." Benny explained.

Then the Yankees coach came over to where were were. I could see how excited Benny was just him standing there.

We are the biggest fanboy and fangirl that ever walked this earth.

"And who are theses fine young people?" He asked coming over to where Leo was standing.

"Larry this is our number one fan for the Dodgers and this is our number one fan for the Yankees." Leo said pointing to both of us.

"This is Naomi and Benny." We waved to him,

"Who is your favorite player Benny?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Babe ruth who did play for the Yankees, but past away, but your team now is Joe DiMaggio. Your center fielder." Benny explained.

He nodded, "Joe, get over here!"

Leo shrugged and yelled, "Jackie! Eddie! Come here!"

From the left I could see Joe running out of the dugout and from my right I could see Jackie and Eddie jogging over here.

Oh my gosh, I'm looking at Jackie Robinson and Eddie Spanky.

"We would like you boys to met some people." Larry started off.

"This is Benny." He pointed at him.

"Benny 'the jet' Rodriguez." I corrected him.

"This is Naomi." Leo pointed at me.

"Naomi 'Ni' North." Benny corrected him.

I chuckled.

"Come around over here to get on the field so you can meet them." Larry said pointing by the Yankees dugout.

I hoped up walking to the gate, and hopping over it since it had a padlock so people couldn't open it, kind of useless but whatever. I stepped on the field and looked over at Benny.

"We are standing on the big leagues field." I commented to him.

He nodded smiling, "This is crazy."

He walked over to the coaches and our favorite players.

"So why do they call you 'the jet' and you 'babygirl'?" Eddie asked us.

"I'm 'the jet' because I was the fastest runner of the town, I out did the 'beast'." He explained.

"I'm joltin' joe, known for the fastest runner to steal bases."

"I know. Which makes my name so much better." Benny said chuckling.

"I'm 'ni' because of my famous pitch." I smiled, holding my hands behind my back.

They nodded, "That's pretty cool. How old are you guys?"


Soon after talking for a few minutes both teams started to make their way over to us. So now it was The 1962 Yankees on one side and 1962 dodgers on the other.

I smile as I look over at my team and Benny looks over at his.

"So I hear your a pitcher. Do you wanna throw me your famous pitch?" One of the catcher me of the dodgers asked me, Bobby Bragan.

I nodded, "I don't have my glove with me."

Benny pulled one out from his back pocket, "But I do."

I look at him weird, "In case we got to meet them we could get this autograph, now throw them the famous 'ni'."

I nodded going up to the pitchers mound, I saw a photographer in the corner of my eye, getting ready to take a picture. I stood with the main pitcher of the Dodgers, Dan Bankman.

He stood off of the little hill of the pitchers mound and watched me, Benny stood off by the catcher and the teams were split between the two.

I smiled, and breathed low, swirling the ball between my fingers and looked at the catcher with his glove in the air.

I brought my leg and and threw my hand back.

"90 mile an hour Naomi! 90 mile an hour!"

I threw my arm forward and chucked the ball as hard as my arm could throw. Within seconds it was in the catchers mitt with dirt cloud following it.

He brought his hand out of his glove shaking it, "That was a really hard throw."

I smiled looking down at the ground.

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