Chapter 3: All That Glitters

Start from the beginning

The audiences' clapping turned into gasps. They were whispering among themselves, wondering where the princess could be.

Midna started sweating nervously. She could've sworn that Zelda had said she knew today was the day. She felt so irresponsible for not seeing if Zelda was even here.

Nervously looking towards the king, Midna saw that King Rhoam was furious. His golden trident started glowing, almost like it was reading his raging storm of emotions. "ZELDA!"


Somewhere out in the ocean, Zelda peeked her head out from a broken part of a ship's foremast. Urbosa was right by her side, her expression looked unsure.

Zelda was now an 18 year old mermaid, thinking that she was an adult who knew better. She hated that her father still treated her like a child, and wanted to prove that she wasn't.

Urbosa gulped at the sight of the broken up ships up ahead. "Are you sure you want to go there? There could be sharks, you know."

"Of course I do!" Zelda responded excitedly. "We've never ran into sharks before. I doubt that today will be the day."

"That's because we've never been this far out before."

"Relax. Everything will be fine. Now follow me! I have a good feeling we'll find something good in that ship!" Zelda began swimming towards the direction of the broken ship up ahead.

Letting out a sigh, Urbosa followed right behind. Looking around with her eyes, all she could see was darkness, a bad juju in the water. There had to be something lurking in these waters somewhere.

Swimming through the round window that lead inside of the ship, the two teenagers managed to easily slip through, successfully making it into the ship.

Zelda was eager and excited to find some rare treasure. On the other hand, Urbosa was swimming cautiously, looking around everywhere for anything suspicious.

"Zelda... Once we find what you're looking for... Just grab it and go."

Zelda stopped swimming for a moment, giving her friend a teasing smirk. "Are you scared, Urbosa?"

"I'm not scared. It's just... I can't shake off this uneasy feeling. I feel like we should leave sooner than later."

"I won't take long, I promise." Zelda looked up, noticing a hole through the ceiling. "Maybe something will be in that room." Swimming upwards, Urbosa followed right behind, not wanting to get left behind in this treacherous ship.

Peeking their heads through the hole, they both looked around with their eyes. Zelda raised her eyebrows in fascination, eyeing something that was in the middle of the ship.

Swimming over towards it, Zelda carefully picked it up. It was some kind of silverware that still had its shine. Zelda had no idea what the word for the item was that she had found, but knew that it was something Hylian related.

Zelda put the silverware in her little side purse. "Maybe Revali will know what this is."

Urbosa slowly swam up to the window, seeing if there was anything lurking nearby. She didn't see anything, but it felt like a pair of eyes were on her constantly. "Ok Zelda. We got what you wanted. Now let's go."

"But we just got here! I'm going to look around the room some more. I bet there are still tons of Hylian treasures!"

Urbosa let out a sigh, turning her back on the window. "I'll give you one minute."

"I'll go fast as I can!" Zelda began swimming around the room, seeing if there were any more treasure in the room.

The room got dark all of a sudden, feeling like something was right behind her. Urbosa didn't want to turn around, knowing that it was some kind of big dangerous fish.

At the same time, Zelda found something peculiar. It was brown and curved shaped, curious as to what this item could be as she put it in her bag.

Nervously, Urbosa turned around, seeing a giant shark just outside the window. Her pupils dilated at the sight. "Zelda... We need to run. Now."

"How co- Oh..." Zelda looked up, seeing the shark at the other side of the window.

Not hesitating for another moment, Urbosa swam fast out of the shark's vicinity. In result, the shark chewed its way through the ship. He began chasing the two teenagers who were just hunting for treasure.

Swimming in a rapid pace, Urbosa looked towards Zelda. "I told you I had a bad feeling about this place!"

"I'm sorry! I really thought there wouldn't be any sharks in this area!"

They noticed the shark wasn't chasing behind them anymore. Wondering where it went, something busted through the ship right in front of them. It was the shark trying to do a sneak attack.

They turned the other way, going back to the room they were just in. Luckily, the shark left a huge gaping hole. They were able to escape out of the ship easily.

But it didn't stop the shark from chasing them.

Wondering how to shake the shark off their tails, Urbosa saw a giant anchor on the ground. "Zelda! I have a plan!"

"What plan?!"

"We need to swim down towards that anchor. If we swim through the top of it, the shark will get itself trapped!"

"That's... A good idea! Let's do it!" The two teenagers began to swim down, having the shark take a sharp dip down.

Swimming towards the giant anchor, the two were swimming towards the top of the anchor where there was a hole that they could fit through.

Waiting for the right moment, they swam through the hole, luring the shark in their trap. Predictably, the shark ended up falling for it, getting its neck stuck in the giant anchor's hole.

Zelda let out a sigh. "Thank goodness that worked." She tapped on Urbosa's shoulder, pointing upwards. "Come on! Let's go ask Revali about what we found!"

Urbosa looked towards the shark, turning her head away while letting out a relieved sigh. "Yeah, let's scram. I really don't want to be around this psycho any longer."

Agreeing with each other, the two friends started swimming upwards towards the surface. The more they got near the surface, the more brighter it got.

Before they knew it, they got a breath of fresh air, feeling the heat of the sun on their skin. They were in the middle of no where, no person or animal in plain sight.

Zelda signaled Urbosa to follow her. "I bet Revali is at his usual spot as always."

Urbosa was staring at the clear blue sky, but snapped out of her daze as she heard Zelda's voice. "I'm coming."

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