It lifted itself over the railing, standing a few feet away from her. She held onto her weapon as it charged at her. She swung the wooden handle at it, knocking it off of the staircase, only this time, it didn't catch itself. Caroline watched as the blood and fragments of the skull splattered everywhere.

She ran down the stairs, listening to the pleads for help from people trying to fend for themselves. A part of her felt guilty, wondering if she could help them, but her main priority was to get to her daughter. She reached the bottom floor where the parking garage was. The area was quiet, but that didn't fool her. Any one of the nasty creatures could have been waiting for someone to feed on. She didn't want to be someone's meal.

Loud thumps came up from behind her before she was push to the ground by a violent force. Her weapon knocked out of her hand, rolling off too far for her to grab. She flipped herself around to face whoever it was.

It was someone in a scrub's uniform, half of their face falling off while the other half looked perfectly fine. She could tell it was once a man. It lunged itself at her, quicker than she could process. Her hands held onto it's shoulders, pushing it's body away while it snapped it's teeth at her, attempting to gnaw at her flesh. Caroline realized just pushing it away wasn't doing anything so she dug her thumbs into the eye sockets of it. As the eyes popped out of their sockets, the beast let out a shriek. Blood started to fall out of the hole where it's eyes once were, splashing onto her face.

The blood spilling onto her face formed into puddle then streamed down to her lips. She spit the metallic tasting liquid out of her mouth and shoved the zombie off of her.

Caroline ran towards her weapon, grabbed it then spun around to slam it against the face of the thing that was coming at her. She beat it multiple times in the face until it stopped squirming and screeching. The blood and puss from bubbles formed on it's skin, hit her clothes as she continuously hit it even though she was certain it was dead.

She took a few steps back, staring at the mangled body from her beating until she went to find her car.

Caroline found her car, placing her only thing to use as a weapon in the passenger seat. She sped off to her daughter's school, hoping to take her away from all of the craziness she just had to deal with.

The phone in her pocket vibrated, signaling she had a voicemail. Something terrible struck her in the chest once she seen it was from her daughter. It was like the atmosphere changed around her, becoming gloomier.

Caroline held the phone to her ear, listening to the voicemail. "I don't know what's going on." She had to squish her ear into the phone to be able to make out what she was saying due to the loud thumps in the background. "Maybe whatever those things are out there have gotten to you too, who knows? I don't have much of a choice right now. Or time. I love you mom." Caroline cried as her daughter did too, listening to the heartbreaking message she had left for her. "I'm good as dead." Then the voicemail ended.

Caroline called her daughter back, but there was no answer. "Please, please pick up." She begged, trying to call her once more. Again, it was sent to voicemail. A hopeful part of her had thought that maybe she got out of the school and was now safe, but the logical side of her knew that her daughter was dead.

She pulled up to her daughter's school, grabbing a lighter she always kept in her cup holder and stuffing it in her pocket. As soon as she got out of the car, she headed to the back of car to open the trunk.

In the trunk was a five gallon metal gas can she always kept in case she ever ran out of gas. With both hands holding onto it, she crept inside the school. The hallways were quiet but she stayed alert and cautious to the surroundings. She began to pour gasoline around the hallways then in some of the classrooms. The school wasn't big, quite small for a high school and it made her on edge that any of the zombies could be lurking around the corners. The hallways were filled with the smell of gasoline and now with only a third of gas left in the gas can, she made her way to the gymnasium.

The doors were wide open, the darkness made her think twice about entering, but after a minute of convincing, she walked into the darkness of the room.

She splashed the contents all around the room as much as she could until the can was empty. She set the can down on the ground. Caroline's hand reached into her pocket for the lighter she brought with her.

With one flick, the flame came and disappeared. Caroline could hear growls start to surround her, but she didn't feel fear or terror. In the moment, she was calm. She tried the lighter again. This time, the flame stayed. She crouched down, hovering the flame above the gasoline filled floor until she let her flame get closer to the flammable liquid. She could feel the presence of evil all around her.

She was in a spot where the gas hadn't spread to yet.

The flames quickly erupted in the whole gymnasium, spreading into the hallways. Once the whole gym lit up like a Christmas tree, she could see the massive amount of zombies surrounding her. They each caught fire, letting out noises that nearly busted her eardrum.

There was a warmth she could feel sliding down from her ears and she knew it wasn't from the fire.

Caroline touched the liquid coming down from her ears. She had enough common sense to tell it was blood. She was infected and knew it.

A laugh came from her lips. "I'm not going to be one of you," She whispered, watching the fire destroy them. "I love you, Tara." Then she stepped into the fire, letting the flames engulf her body before the infection could take over and turn her into one of them.

Author's Note: I know you guys wanted a second part to Lockdown, so I hope this is good enough for you guys. Sorry if it's bad, but I hope you enjoy it!

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