Sloth Fiction 5: Hump Day, or Who's Using Who?

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In this installment, LW herself makes an appearance. She needed the pick-me-up of a visit with some of her special friends. Lucas North/John Whoozit and his fate weighs heavily on her mind, as on so many others. Long, trying days have taken their toll on this journalist by day and fan fic writer by night. Still, those boys will play . . .

Sloth Fiction 5: Hump Day, or Who's Using Who?

"But you don't drink, do you, LadyWriter?"

Harry, his brow crinkled quizzically, looked on from the den as She Who Was Known as LW pulled a bottle of Kahlua out of the cupboard above the microwave pantry.

It was nighttime once again in LW's house. Insomnia-her frequent and unloved companion-was visiting. As were a couple of her favorite Characters. She was exhausted and still had two more full work days. And then two events to cover over the weekend. The thought of it made her head hurt.

She felt almost as grumpy as "Hairy" Pearce looked. Hopefully, she was still prettier.

"I don't usually curse out loud in the newspaper office, either, Harry, my love, but I did that this week, too," LW, her damp hair wrapped in a Turbie Towel, said with a weary sigh.

"Not to mention Callie, snuggled so comfy with you, running off for four days and frightening her mama and daddy to death. I'm just glad Mister LW managed to grab her off the back deck last night, the naughty bunny."

She poured herself some Coke, added a generous dash of Kahlua and tossed in a couple of ice cubes before heading for the den sofa, where Lucas/John Whoozit, wearing black as somber as his apparent mood, sat attractively brooding. Lucky was sitting, placid as usual, on the arm of the sofa while the Bobbsey Twins (aka Thumper and Puddie) spooned together in LW's recliner.

"Budge over, Lu-John darling, I'm absolutely shattered and yet completely wound up. It's not been fun trying to put out both newspapers with just the two of us-especially when one is a truly sweet but extremely hyper-active Tariq-like boy whose gran just died, poor kid." She sighed. "Can't wait for Kevin to get back tomorrow. Hope he enjoyed his honeymoon and is ready to step back into the fray."

LW took a large swig of her drink and closed her eyes.

"Tell me, Gorgeous Spy Man, how in the hell six people-six!-- manage to protect Queen and Country when Tar-I mean, Austin and I are struggling to put a couple of small town papers out? I feel as wrung out as if I'd been extricating myself from a belt around my neck."

She frowned. "Lu-John-how did you get that belt off? I mean, thank goodness you did." LW's eyes grew wide behind her spectacles.

"I thought for a minute they were sending you packing much too prematurely . . ."

Lucas-er, John-oh, whatever--sighed, his fingers wandering to his long, slender throat, stroking it lightly as he narrowed his piercing blue eyes.

"I would tell you how, dearest LW-but I would have to kill you."

LW rolled her eyes. "Now, you sound like Mister LW used to, my GSM. Oh, you classified governmental types . . ." A sly grin crossed her face.

"I thought maybe you were-double-jointed."

Lucas smirked. "LadyWriter. You're flirting with me," he purred in those deep, dulcet tones.

Uhm-hmmm," she replied with a saucy wink.

~Damn straight I am. If you can't flirt with the lovely Characters crafted by one's favourite actor in the comfort and privacy of one's own home and vivid imagination, where can you?~

A hint of sadness returned to Lucas's beautiful eyes.

"Maya. I thought she wanted to be with me forever, LW. That she was The One. So why is she canoodling with that despicable faker Vaughn-er, Michael?"

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