The leaf from the tree fell too early...

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Seasons has changed,
Spring, into Summer, into fall,

Months have passed,

Days going by,

Like a flower's pollen in the wind,

It was a nice, yet cold autumn morning.

The leaves changed beautifully,

Before they fall, and hug the ground full of life,

That would soon be resting,

During the cold, winter times.

The beautiful girl,

Embraced with her furry, warm clothing,

Walked around her town,

Her pink scarf flowing with her movements.

The colored leaves continued to fall,

The cold, wind brushed past,

Picking up the colored leaves.

The beautiful girl looked up at the still ever blue sky,

Her enchanting orbs, once again, lost in thought ,
Tracing the color of blue...

Blue... was the color of his eyes,
A blue, mixed in with many other bright blue,

A bright blue, that complimented his bright personality...

The pretty blue that colored the sky, helped the beautiful girl keep her memory, of the young mug she had met months ago.

The beautiful girl was astonished, surprised at how long she remembered the young mug, even though she saw him only...


Yet, she never wanted to forget the special spark she felt, when her and the young mug met eyes, the feeling of her heart beginning to flutter, the soft feeling of butterflies fluttering in her stomach, it was a feeling... she wished to feel once again. The feeling was too... and so very precious.

A pink, small leaf came down,
Brushing against the beautiful girl's little nose,

Bringing a soft, little tickling sensation,

Catching her by surprise.

The beautiful girl brought her peachy pale hand up,

Catching the small pink leaf in it,

Inspecting it with her enchanting blue orbs.

A cherry blossom leaf...

The beautiful girl turned around,

Her rose red hair swaying gently in the movement,

Her enchanting, mystic colored orbs met with a cherry blossom tree.

The cherry blossom tree she sat under, when she met the young mug.

A small smile came to her magenta lips, as she stared at it.
It was truly special.. The only cherry blossom that was in this little town.
The beautiful girl smiled, before she walked away, continuing her journey, around the town.

Hours have passed, the beautiful girl finished her adventure around town, visiting new stores she never been to, meeting up with her friends: It was nice to meet up, catch up on stuff, learn what each other were working on.

But that time ended, seemingly as soon as it started, and now the beautiful girl was back in her home, looking out the window, watching the beautiful bright sun set and the shadows take over the land once more.

The beautiful girl watched the light disappear,

And darkness taking the land for its own,

Once more,

After a while,

Mother moon appeared once more,

Shining a gentle, and soothing light,

Onto the dark land.

The beautiful girl took a gentle breath,

Closing her eyes softly,

When a not so loud, and not so quiet footsteps were heard,

Quickly running across the sidewalk,

Like they were trying to run away from life itself!


The beautiful girl opened her eyes in a fright,

Frantically looking down her window,

Seeing a small tiny form running,

A dark blue scarf flowing behind them.

The beautiful girl's heart raced with fright,

As she took in the features of the mysterious runner,

Who had retreated from a path,

Near the hospital!

The mysterious runner had a cup like head,

But it was a bit larger, like a mug,
There was a dark straight vertical straw within it,

They wore a large dark blue scarf that continued to flow behind them,
They also wore a short white shirt, and dark blue sweats.

The beautiful girl could only assume it was dark blue due to it being dark.

The person continued to run, in the direction of the park.

The beautiful girl watched them run,

But... her heart was beginning to ache,
She placed a hand over her chest,

The beautiful girl didn't understand why her heart was aching,

Yet,... it ached more and more as the mysterious figure got further and further, as if..

The figure was taking her heart.

The beautiful girl watched the figure disappear into the park, She looked to the side, pondering what her next action would be...

The beautiful girl put on a coat, making sure she was warm,

She took out a lamp, gently lighting it, so she would be able to see,

She slipped a pocket knife into her pocket just in case,

Before she left her home,

Walking towards the park.

She carefully scanned her surroundings as many times as she could,

Making damn sure there was no threat around,

A hand close to her pocket just in case there was..
She soon made it to the park,

A muffled noise of someone crying..... Greeted her.

The beautiful girl's heart ached at the noise of someone crying,

She hated it when someone was,

It meant they were hurt,

Deeply stuck under the waves of despair, depression, or grief,

She looked around, searching for the source of the noise.....

The Beautiful Girl Where stories live. Discover now