A sunny day~

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The sun has risen,
Decorating the land,
In its light,
And warm embrace,
As if the land,
Was a glass doll.

The darkness,
That decorated the night,
With its beauty,
Was gently tucked in,
By the sun,
And now,

He watched the sun carefully,
Embraced the land in it's light,
Bringing all the bright colors,
Back to life.

His grey lips were apart,
Riding of no emotion,
But wonder,

His pretty bright orbs,
Gazing out into the distance,
His mind dazed,
His soul ever wondering..

He thought about the girl,
Who sat under, the pretty cherry blossom,
A time back,
That felt like forever,
For the young Mug.

He could never forget,
The spark,
His soul felt,
When her enchanting orbs,
Met his.

That moment...
He felt his heart skip a beat,
Himself, lost within her orbs,
The butterflies fluttering,
The beautiful girl's perfect colored locks flowing,
Her dazzling pink lips,
Her perfect colored skin,

The special feeling.. That he felt, when he, and the beautiful girl,
Gazed at each other, never parting eyes from one another,
Observing each other, like they were the only ones,
In the world.

Ever since he had seen the beautiful girl,
He couldn't, Stop thinking about her.
She was always on his mind,
All he ever thought about.

A red blush appeared on his cheeks,
Once more,
His heart beginning to flutter,
The more he thought of the beautiful girl.

The youngest member of the group,
A wolf,
Looked up from the map he held in his hands,
Over at his friend.

His hazel brown orbs,
Traced the blush across his friend's cheeks.
He gently asked the Mug,
In a curious, cute voice,
Who was he thinking of,

His blush darkened,
Visible to the naked eye,
He sputtered out to his friend,
that he wasn't thinking of anyone,
But even he knew,
the wolf was convinced,
About his previous assumption.

A teasing, yet light smile formed across the wolf's lips,
He asked the young mug,
What was the girl like?
What did she look like?

The young Mug was embarrassed,
His pretty blue eyes averted away from the wolf,
Who smiles at his friend's reaction.

The wolf assured his embarrassed friend,
That is was okay to talk to him about the beautiful girl that was on the young mug's mind,
And that he would happily keep it a secret,
Knowing that the young mug's older brother,
Would most likely not approve.

The young mug was shocked,
But hugged the wolf,
Greatly thanking him.

The demon, and The Cup looked behind them,
And rose an eyebrow,
At the young mug and young wolf hugging.
The demon wasn't sure how to feel about it,
While the cup was upset,
Glaring a bit at his young brother.

The young Mug,
Had wished upon a star,
On a pretty night,
To see the beautiful girl,
Who made his heart flutter,

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