15) Pride

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        Another day come and gone, the sun having risen and set once again.  And risen again. It's maybe noon and I still haven't left my room once, excluding a single trip to the washroom a couple of hours back. All I was doing was sitting in my bed, hunched over Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban for the thousandth time. I'd read it three times over and going on four in this week alone. It's my favorite of the Harry Potters.
         When I was five, just a little after mom had left us, dad took me to where they filmed all the movies. I was an early follower of the fandom. It was how I got my mind off of reality. It was how I got away. Away from everything.
         So, on a cool October day, dad took me out to the castle that sat on top of the hill. Hogwarts. In reality, though, the enormous castle everyone fell in love with in the movies was quite different in person. In reality, it had a more medieval feel to. Not so much magical. It was almost creepy, I'm not going to lie. I don't know, maybe it was the dark windows and the crumbling walls constructing the building itself. I don't know, it just felt different. Old.
         With my back getting even stiffer by the millisecond, I straightened up a little, conveniently lining my eyes right up with one of the many holes in the window blinds. They snapped shut as I stretched my arms out above my head.
         Opening my eyes just a little to attempt to combat the light, I noticed a sliver of silver emanating from the long drive towards NHAA. Huh.

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