Chapter 5

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Olivia Wilde

I talked, for what felt like hours, explaining everything I could remember. I told him about my other children, the abuse I endured on the plantation. I told him about my father and how he owned my soul, even though I was free here. And he listened. Oh, dear God, he listened with such intent. The only time he paused was to cradle Edith in his arms. He surely was a natural at soothing infants, and I was in awe. Perhaps marrying him would not be as I dreamt it would.

Daniel didn't offer much after I gave him my life story. But he understood my paranoia and my worries. I knew he would not ever judge me for the way I acted, not like Fanny did. I could not tell if it was because of jealousy or because of something else, but that girl did not like me.

I wanted so badly to believe that all would be right with the world now, that Daniel and his family would help my own family to become free. I wanted this life more than anything in the world. I wanted to trust someone other than my sister for the first time in my life.

Daniel took my hand as I finished, trying to ease my worries. He lifted our joined hands and pressed a kiss to my knuckles.

"Tell me about your family," He murmured, laying my daughter across his lap.

"My mother is beautiful woman, tall and lanky with the most gorgeous curls imagined. She raised six children to adulthood, with the best morals you could ask for. She and my Daddy have been together since she was fourteen. They tried to run away, once, when Mama first got pregnant. They got as far as the state border before..." I trailed, brushing my fingers over my baby's downy head.

"My master fathered me, but he never raised me. My Daddy loved me like he loved my siblings. He raised me in the richest culture he could remember. My siblings envied me for as long as I could remember, but I told them not to. They didn't want the attention I had. My sister's especially. They realized that shortly after..." I closed my eyes as the ghost of Jacob, my ugly half-brother, pinned me to my spot. I could still feel him shoving me against the hay, prying my legs apart with his thighs, his violent grip on my hair. I shuddered as I refused to look at Daniel.

"As far as I know, my siblings are still on the plantation. Isa and her mother are still in contact. Last we heard, my sister Nora had given birth to a little girl. Jacob's baby, his only child." Daniel pulled me into his side, careful to avoid jostling Edith.

"I promised to free your family, and I will. All of them. Not just Isabella and the girls." He murmured, pressing a kiss to my temple.


Nearly a week after Edith was born, another one of Daniel's uncles came to the city. I believe his name was Caiden, he brought with him a wife and young child. I wanted to hide. More people who could have been associated with Richard, more people to out me. But in truth, I was also happy that Matthew had a playmate. The other child, a little girl, was about Matthew's age, just a few months older. It made it easier to wed Daniel if he was distracted. Caiden's wife, Margaret, stayed with the children that day as Caiden, Edgar, the girls, Daniel and I scurried off to a small chapel. The ceremony was quick, we exchanged predetermined vows. Somehow, Daniel had managed to procure a simple band, which now sat heavily on my left hand. As the ceremony dictated, he kissed me. He wasn't demanding, not like Richard or Jacob. His lips were soft and precautious. He didn't demand with his tongue, he allowed me to dictate my comfort level.

I was relieved.

Caiden and Maggie left us after a few days, becoming properly introduced. Apparently, Edgar and Caiden were blood siblings, who were also brothers to my father-in-law. Likewise, Bridie and Maggie were blood sisters, who were the younger sisters of my mother-in-law. Daniel assured me that this was a normal occurrence in his family, to marry the in-laws. At least it was not inbreeding.

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