"Look, I'm... I'm not sure why you brought me here, but you need to send me back," I tell him. "My friends are in danger from Zoom." Suddenly, a shadow passes by making me look at the window to see it pass by again. "Did you see that?"

"You're not going back. Not until..."

"Till what?" I ask.

"Until you catch that." I run outside to see a shadow run by, I then run after it.



"Cisco says Barry's still alive," I say, walking into the Cortex.

"Where is he?" Henry asks.

"I don't know," Harry answers, pulling away from Jesse, who was laying on the medical bed.

"Harry, I vibed him in the center of a storm. It was, like, in, like, a vortex or something," Cisco says.

"He's in... He's in the Speed Force," Harry suddenly says.

"Get him out, damn it. I... You can get him out, can't you?" Henry asks.

"I don't know if I can," Harry says.

"Henry, come here," Joe says, pulling him aside.

"Hey," I say, walking over to Harry, my hand on his shoulder, "She's gonna be okay."

"You don't know that," Harry says and then looks at me. "I'm sorry... about Barry."

"You just wanted him to get his speed back. You just wanted to be rid of Zoom. It's not your fault," I tell him.


"Thank God you're here," Cisco says to Henry, who was checking up Jesse. "Caitlin's usually the one doing this, but..."

"Heart rate's normal. Reflexes and breathing are fine. She should be waking up. She's just not," Henry concludes.

"It was the same with Barry and Liv. Um, after the first accident, they were in a coma that no one could explain," Iris explains.

"Same with Liv," Cisco adds.

"What did you do with him?"

"So they brought him here... Well, Wells brought him here," Cisco says. "Liv was already here since... Wells was her father."

"The other Wells," I say.

"Right, the Wells who was actually Thawne," Cisco says,

"Eobard, not Eddie. Right. It's... it's complicated," I say.

"Anyway, we took care of Barry and Liv while Wells... Thawne... treated them," Cisco says.

"Are there any records of that treatment?" Henry asks. "We might find clues how to help Jesse."

"Uh, yeah, they'd be downstairs in the storage room- in the morgue," I say.

"Ew, you guys have a morgue?" Iris asks.

"Well, it's not like a morgue morgue," Cisco says. "It's not... it's like a poor man's morgue, really."

"Morgue-ish," I say.

"Would one of you go get them, please?" Henry asks as I nod,

"Okay, well, I'm not going alone," Cisco says as me and Iris sigh walking out. "Thank you."


"Okay, so it's a morgue morgue. But, you know, we had to keep the dead meta-humans somewhere," Cisco defends as we walk in.

"Yeah, looks like you did a lot more than just store them," Iris says.

"Fake Dad might've done a few dissections for study purposes," I say.

"And this didn't tip any of you off that he might be secretly evil?" Iris asks.

"It was a crazy time, okay?" I defend. "We had a lot going on."

"I'll tell you what... It's a good thing Thawne was so organized," Cisco says.

Cisco goes to search as I say, "You know, I could probably burn all the meta bodies. Then we could probably use this space for better things." I hear a clatter and say, "Would you stop knocking stuff over?"

"You stop. I didn't touch anything," Iris says.

"Okay, whatever you say," I say.

"Okay, this is it. This is Barry's ex-file," Cisco says picking up a file. Suddenly we hear a loud noise as the door behind Cisco falls open revealing Girder.

"A zombie?" Cisco asks. "For real?"

We slowly start to step back as Iris asks, "Tony?"

"Nope, not Tony... Not anymore. Get behind me," Cisco says moving in front of us.

"You get behind me," Iris says, moving to the front.

"Ok, both of you, get behind me," I say seriously, moving in front of them. He comes closer as I use my power on him. My pyrokenisis starts to burn him, the Zombie groans and turns back to steel, the fire dying out. We then watch as he walks out, into the city.

"Woah," Cisco breathes out. "Did not see that coming."


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