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The whole room got silent, and Shen wei got up slowly. His dad has been mad at him before but not like this where he would hit him. He looked up to him and saw his eyes, they were really scary. Even Zhu Hong did not think his father would lay a hand on Shen wei. They did not say a word, then Mr Shen looked around the office and his eyes landed on Yunlan. He pointed at him

"you dirty shit, you are fired, get the hell out before I get you dragged out"

he yelled. People around the room gasped. Yunlan felt pain in his heart, he gave a quick look towards Shen wei and he saw a tear escape his eyes, but he quickly grabbed his phone and just left. 

Shen wei was about to follow him but he was stopped by his father and was dragged towards the office. 

When they got in, his dad hit him again. Shen wei was silent. He did not care, all his thoughts went to Yunlan, if he was alright, he knew he was probably hurt. 

"Hong told me, that you are letting that guy use you to climb up to the top, that you are sleeping with him, that you want to break up with Hong because of him? are you insane??" 

he yelled.  Shen wei did not say anything, he just looked at Hong, the look he gave made her flinch and hide behind his father. 

"I have to go"   Shen wei said and was about to leave. 

"the hell you are, you are going to marry Hong next week, and you have no saying in that, and you will not have any contact with that trash"  

Shen wei folded his hands into a fist, and looked his father  straight into the eyes.

"I love him, only him, and I will not marry Hong I rather die then let him go."

after saying that he got another hit.  He did not care anymore, since Hong went this far, he would certainly not give into her plans. He was on his way out, when his father started breathing heavy, and he collapsed on the floor. Shen wei rushed to his side. Zhu started to panic. She did not think it would be this serious. And she started crying, scared that because of her, he would die.

"dad!" Shen wei screamed trying to shake him awake. But to no use

"what the hell are you crying for you bitch, call the ambulance !"  he yelled at Zhu.

On the other side, Yunlan was in the bathroom. Just thinking, he really had to let him go. His heart was breaking , his tears was falling. What to do now? He texted Da if he could bring his stuff he left later when he got off. 

After a while in the bathroom, he was walking out the building slowly when he was met with medic team rushing in. At first he did not even think about it, but he stopped in his track. No don't tell me, he thought , did Shen wei get beaten that badly.  He stopped and was just pacing back and forth to see who was hurt. After a bit they came down, he saw Shen wei running beside them, and his father was rolled out by the medic. 

Shen wei would probably give up too on him after this. He texted him

"please let me know about your father later"   

He went home just pacing back and forth waiting for any news. 

At the hospital, Shen weis dad was still unconscious but stable and safe. Shen wei was waiting for his mother to get there. He was standing in the hall, with just a lot of thoughts in his head. what to do. 

"Shen wei" Hong said as she put her hand on his shoulder. Shen wei slapped it away

"what the hell are you doing here, this is your fault" 

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