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Yunlan woke up in the morning with a banging headache. He looked around and saw he was not home.  Where am I he thought, he sat in the bed for a while just waiting for the room to stop spinning. Don't tell me I'm still drunk he thought . 

He looked over at the watch and realized he was beyond late for work, even though Shen wei had given permission to everyone to come in 2 hours later today, he was still late.  He rushed out of bed and, notice he was at a hotel, the same one he had brought Shen wei, he had to chuckle. As he was looking around for his clothes, he notice new set of clothes with a note

Got you new clothes, would not look to good if you came to work with same as last night, and I have told your team leader that you would be late today due to an errand for me, so take your time


Then flashes from last night started to pop in his head, and he cursed , why why why did I have to get drunk, what do  I say now, told him not to touch me, yet I jumped him.  

He changed then checked his phone, he had 20 missed calls from his sister, and angry texts . He hurried and texted her back saying he was alright and that he was going to work. 

On his way to work, he started thinking, why Shen wei was being so nice to him. What does he want really. 

He got at work, and got in the elevator, he did not notice Shen wei being there with other people. Yunlan kept sighing and rubbing his head, he felt terrible.  Shen wei noticing all this started to get worried, maybe he should have given him a day off. 

Yunlan did not even manage to sit down before Da rushed over

"what happen???" he looked at him, 

"please lower your voice, what do you mean?" 

"last thing I saw was Shen wei carrying you to his car, he asked me your address but I faked that I was to drunk" 

"you what?" he just smirked and shrugged , 

"from your sisters calls and text to me I am assuming you did not go home right?" Yunlan just nodded, and shoosh him away

"go, talk later, head is killing me"  Da just nodded and left.  Yunlan suddenly got a text, from Shen wei

"check your drawer under your desk" 

So he did, it had vitamin water, and hungover drink, and painkillers and a breakfast bar. Yunlan unconscionably smiled,  then another text

"I'm glad I can still make you smile"  

Yunlan was surprised and looked up and saw Shen wei standing further down in the room, while checking some documents , Yunlan quickly looked down, and was about to take the pills when he got another text 

"Zhao Yunlan, I m sure you are not about to take the pills on empty stomach, the bar, hangover drink, then pills with vitamin water" 

he looked up and saw him starring sternly at him, so he did as he said and was trying not to blush .  After he finished all that he texted back

"thank you" 

On Shen wei s side, he could not believe his eyes when he saw Yunlan about to take the pills on empty stomach, he almost went there and ripped them out of his hands. But he at least did as he was told. 

He went into his office, and after taking his rounds, he saw that it was very bad idea to have drinks in the middle of the week, so mental note , next time do it on a weekend. People were unfocused. During lunch people skipped food and tried to take a nap instead. 

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