Business trip

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Shen wei glared at Zhu

"since when did you have the right to talk to me like that, better yet since when did you have the right too ask me those questions?" he asked her with anger in his voice

She knew that she had ticked him off, she knew that they were not a real couple, it was just for show for the investors. Big companies were only interested in investing if the two companies were merging stably. So they had to put on a pretense . But Zhu had always had a crush on Shen wei, but he had always told her that he only saw her as a sister.  They grew up close, their families were close friends.  She did not say anything

"don't tell me all that acting in front of the media have gone to your head? you and I  will never be a real thing SIS so get that in your head already" 

Shen wei said harshly and walked passed her and slammed the door. He was harsh, he was pissed, because she ruined his mood and he started to hate the feeling of pushing the only one he love,away because of her, so just seeing her made him angry. But he soon felt bad, it was not all her fault.

He was about to text her and apologize ,but noticed that he had called Yunlan, and judging by the text he got, he must have heard them, but he was not sure how much he heard, the call was only few seconds.  Damn it he thought, they just started to get on good terms. His heartbeat was beating so fast, scared that he would push him away. 

Even though he originally wanted to push him away, stay away, because it hurt so much being close to him and not be able to be with him. He had made up his mind to, stay close, to protect him, make him happy, if he was happy, he would be too. 

Shen wei could not fall asleep that night. On the other side, Yunlan could not fall asleep either.  

Yunlan woke up today, just feeling horrible, he had only slept about an hour. He got up, went to work. He tried to tell himself, to just be happy, make Shen wei happy, so he put on a mask. 

But Shen wei had already noticed, he was not himself.  The day went by slowly, to Yunlan it felt like he had been there for days, but only 2 hours had passed, and he had at least 6 more to go.  The phone rang

"can you come in" Shen wei asked, and Yunlan went inside his office, but for some reason, Yunlan noticed he was avoiding his eyes

"I'm sorry but, we have to go on a business trip"  Yunlans heart started beating way to fast

"what?" he manged to stutter out, Shen wei looked down

"the project, we need to check it out before sending in the final proposal, so we have to fly  to Korea, in like 2 hours" 

"in 2 hours?" Yunlan thought wait, what?

"yeah, you helped me a lot with it so your the best one to go with me, and my secretary is still on sick leave" Shen wei said casually. Yunlan looked at him and nodded. 

"its only for a night, so you can go home and pack lightly and I will pick you up in an hour?" Yunlan only nodded, he honestly did not know what to say. 

Shen wei on the other hand was beyond nervous for this, but he really did need him. 

When he went to pick Yunlan up, he was so nervous that he started to feel sick. But he held it in, and Yunlan was having the same issue.  The flight went well, both had managed to fall asleep, after all non of them had slept much during the night.

They were about to check in when 

"I'm sorry sir, but we only have one room left" both Shen wei and Yunlan got shocked, 

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