I - tears and laughter

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His eyes, glimmers with the ray of golden sunshine. A chocolaty brown eyes sparks like a milky way. There’s a chestnut brown fiber, neatly combing back with a baby hair like fringes sweeping at the top of his eyebrows. Oh! His plumpy lips that need no add any shades curves perfectly. 

July 25, 1988

Simon's pov:

That brown blazer was nothing more than a step larger than its smallest size. The soaking wet condition fits him really well that you can tell he ain’t in any rugby or cricket team, nor does the popular guy known by many mates. He, probably would be known as ‘yes, that boy’ by the teachers; ‘little chubby’ by some; ‘a guy at the corner’ by many.

He’s a kind of student that managed his grade to  A+ though he battled very morning to go to school. He’s a mummy’s  boy; he told her a lot of lies. Bruises below his eye were caused due to him slipping on the bathroom floor, yes, he told that to her mum. His mum had no idea that that cheery smile he brought home everyday was something he found just before she open the door.

Though I barely see his face, I can tell that much of him. Slowly, I strolled behind him, a few feet apart. He clutched tightly on his bag straps, wrapping himself for some reasons. The rain was still pouring down so it will probably be cold out there. I’ll run home as fast as I can in case I forgot to bring an umbrella. 

But that’s not the reason for him. The way he reluctantly took a step forward, his head held low, a little shiver he gave not because the wind hit him. It was a small movement, but I clearly can tell it’s not the rainwater that was running down his cheek.

Rolling down the window, little did I know, this boy will change my life forever.

“hey, young man….hop in”

I’m right, as always. He quickly rubbed whatever coming from his eyes and forced a smile “umm…I-..i’m fine, thanks anyway”

“come on….you’ll get cold if you walk on that speed”

“I’m really fin-“

“I promise I wouldn’t kidnap you” I said giving my best lovely smile trying to be friendly and it work, I guess, cause he was laughing at that.

“okay fine” I unlocked the door for him.

“sorry….i’m all wet”

I let out a chuckle, I can’t control that. His cheeks turned all red knowing exactly why I’m laughing.

“you know what….you’ve got a dirty dirty mind”

“and you trust me” I winked at him. Now he's the one laughing, like wholeheartedly without forcing “give me your address if you don’t want me to take you to my dungeon”  

“you are funny”

“I’m not young man” never had been in my life and never will. Wait am I funny? cause he seemed to smile at every of my words, maybe he’s the nice one here.

He rest his head on the window, looking outside. Different things may run inside his head, who knows, he’s quite again. His lips were trembling and he fight so hard to pull it back. I also might not want to cry in front of a stranger, inside his car if I’m in his shoes.

“lunch at 3, walk straight to the left. At the corner, there’s a table of two”

“wh-…..pardon me?”

“that’s where you’ll find me” I kept my eyes straight on the road, I can’t look at him. I didn’t even know what I’m doing right now. Offered him a lunch to a teenage boy, no, I’m not okay.

He stared at me, not getting exactly what I’m saying just like me. I cleared my throat “what I mean is….you know, I saw that you’re not too eager to go home, so….i guess you’re having a bad day?”

He slightly nod “yeah…not a great day, you can say”

“no friends???”

“maybe…” I hate myself asking that, he almost whimper

“well… I ate my lunch every day at the restaurant near your school, Denz n Fenz, you know that?”


“getting to the point…maybe, if you have a bad day, like today, you can join me whenever you like”

“can i?”

“not, if you have classes” he pouted when I smirk at him

“my school end at 3”

“great, then all settled”

“you are a nice guy” I really hope he didn’t see my reddened face “but why are you having lunch at 3 in the afternoon?”

“young man has too many questions huh?”

“at least I’m not the one trying to be friend with half my age” did I just frown? “I’m joking okay? I really am glad by your offer. Oh, that’s my place”

I pulled over in front of his house, he turned to face me “umm…thanks you so much Mr._”

“call me Simon”

“......no I can’t”

“why not?”

“cause….cause I don’t know. Does uncle Simon sounds good?”

“oh, you hurt me” I said dramatically clenching my chest

He giggled and I know that’s when the rain stop, not literally. The storm building inside of me since I don’t know when was blown away by his little giggle. Man, he’s dangerous.

“okay…stop, I’ll come up with a better idea when I meet you again okay?”

“so….taking my offer?” he blushed

“th-….in case i-…..”

“I get it….now get in, your mum will be worried about you”

“yes sir. Again, thank you so much for the ride and not kidnapping me” his grinning make me wanna abduct him at an instant “and sorry for all the mess I made with your car, it’s a nice car by the way”

“thanks and it’s fine….no need to be sorry”

He get out holding his backpack above his head to cover him from the rain. Things changed real quick, a moment ago, he walked under the rain not bothering to get soaking wet. Now, though he’s still damp from previous, he try to avoid the rain, like normal people do. He ran up the porch knocking the first door.

“young man” I shout for me to reach him “I haven’t got your name”

He turned around “….Walliams, David Walliams”

An old lady stand right in front of him who drag him in with words following them. Told him his mum will be worried, I’m always right.

I shook my head and started the engine. With smile spreading across my face

oh! Walliams!!!

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