Noah had spilled pepsi all down his suit, it was fairly noticeable. Classic Noah, next thing he'd be doing is drawing on a moustache with Sharpie and calling it a filter.

Lilia, the mother of the group, aided the situation with wet wipes, which managed to clear up most of it. Just in the nick of time too, because the doors on the minivan slid open.

We all hopped out of the minivan, cameras flashing at us before we even set foot on the red carpet. We walked down the short path, hand in hand as the lights almost blinded us until we felt the red carpet under our feet. At that moment, we were pulled apart by the guy leading it all. Telling me to step on first then move up after a few seconds, then someone else joins and another and another until we're all inside.

It was basically just a cinema, to put it kindly. There was a stage at the front where I suppose we'd introduce the film. We were in here before people who got public tickets were so it was fairly quiet, only joined by a few celebrity guests who's agents had made them come for publicity reasons.

I skipped off down the steps to the floorspace between the seats and the stairs with Lilia, Noah and Hayden. There was some music playing faintly and we all danced around to it, I couldn't quite figure out what the song was, it was so quiet, so we were mainly just jumping around. I grabbed Noah's hands and we spun around in circles, his eye caught something from across the room and he stopped spinning around suddenly causing me to wobble around and almost fall before Hayden caught my shoulders and held me up. Lilia, Hayden and I looked at Noah, who was staring off to the other side of the room in shock.

"Oh my god, they said they wouldn't be here!" Noah exclaimed, and we all exchanged a look of confusion.  Then Noah squealed in excitement and started running off, waving his hands around, "Zendaya, Zac Efron! I'm comingggg!"

The remaining three of us laughed at Noah, deciding that we'd let him go on his own. We sat on some seats near the front, just looking at the huge screen in front of us. We were having a debate as to how many watermelons long it was. I felt a tap on my shoulder and heard a deep voice.

"Y/N Wolfhard?"

I raised an eyebrow confused, I didn't think the press were aloud in here yet. I turned my head, only to jump up and run into the persons arms. It was Finn, he came! I hadn't seen him in months! I was so happy!

He pulled me up to the level of seats he was standing on, swaying me side to side.

"Oh my- Finn! I can't believe you came!" I squealed.

"Of course I did, I couldn't miss my little sisters first movie premiere, could I?" He smiled and sat down, I sat next to him, still smiling brightly.

"I'll let you in on a secret, I'm not meant to be here. But Jae managed to help me out, so I'm here. I tried to come vi-" he was cut off by Wyatt peering over his shoulder.

"Mr Wolfhard, hello. And did I hear Jae's name or am I imagining it?" Wyatt asked, Finn chuckled.

"Yeah you heard correctly, dude. Helped me book a private flight here." Finn answered him and Wyatt sat down again. Then Finn turned back to me, "Anyways. I tried to visit you when you were in the hospital but I wasn't aloud, I was busy with press and my agent was all 'blah blah, you can't, blah blah' so yeah."

I smiled a bit, "It's fine don't worry about it." At that moment, Lilia turned around and poked my leg a bit.

"Y/N, he's here." She told me, I nodded and chuckled softly.

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