Pub Chatter 5th Edition - July 28, 2019

Start from the beginning


Our 4th Annual Biggest Competition Ever will start on September 8th and run through November 2nd.  It is an 8-week competition where we post a new poetry challenge each week, there will be weekly winners along with an over all winner.  All winners along with the winners of our regular monthly contests will be eligible to participate in our final competition of the year, the Poets Pub Poet of the Year 2019!!


"Each summer's night the woods abound with sounds. And I always thought how wonderful it was that nature sings even when it's asleep." ― Craig D. Lounsbrough

This is the last month for our Summer Collection contest!! Get your summer poems in while you still have time, the contest will end on August 31st!

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This is the last month for our Summer Collection contest!! Get your summer poems in while you still have time, the contest will end on August 31st!

Want to be crowned the "Poets Pub Super Summer Scribbler"?!?!  Then join us as our Super Summer continues with a three-month contest to fill our Summer Collection.  Everyone will be allowed to send in as many "Summer Themed" poems they would like, and whomever sends in the most poems by August 31 (midnight MST) will be crowned the "Poets Pub Super Summer Scribbler"!!

Check our poetry prompts below all of them are summer themed to help you get a jump start on this contest.


Let us know if you are going to take on the Poem a Week/Day Challenge.  All you need to do is create a book on your own profile for the challenge, let us know what book it is and then start writing.  You can also send in your poems to include in our collection here.  Please PM us if you take on the challenge so we can add your name to the participants list.

  Please PM us if you take on the challenge so we can add your name to the participants list

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Busted Gulch Update – Lyttlejoe's Busted Gulch Volume 11 –

Newcomer, Bella, and Denver's son Brett, had a very interesting "first date".  It seems the two are very taken with one another. A bedraggled Raven found his way to the bar and had a few words with Cole Boone about Devil's Mountain.  Petra asks Buck to keep an eye on Conan, hoping the person that shot her father would be found soon.  Brody sent a wire to Billy, letting him know that 3Gun needed him back in BG to help find out who shot Denver.  He also let Billy know that Rue is headed to county.  It seems Lou, Bruce, and Pearce seem to have been successful in finding enough witnesses to get Lou out of trouble with the law.  However, the same can not be said for Pearce, but Lou doesn't want to give up on him yet.  Pearce seems to have given into his fate and gives Lou a kiss, just as Bruce walks in.  In a moment of anger Bruce snatched up Pearce ready to show him is fist, but a shot rang out, Lou was shot.  Another shot rang and Pearce was shot as well, the shots came in through the window.  When Billy found them, Lou was dead in Bruce's arms.  Margarita took her vows in a lovely ceremony preformed by Bishop DoRito, she was confirmed as Sister Mary Grace. 

Pub Chatter - 5th EditionWhere stories live. Discover now