!! WARNINGS !! & Cast!!

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This book will have Sexual Content, Very Foul Language and Mature Themes!

You know the drill... If any of that offends you, please don't read.

Please don't copy!
This is my book. Be respectful.

This book contains the following :

•Underground Street Fighting, Other Fighting

•Blood, Rage, Gore and Graphic Deaths

•Crazy, Insane and Psychotic Tendencies


•Low Self-Esteem


•Foul, Naughty, Brutally Honest Dialogue

You may also get frustrated throughout this book because of some of my characters thoughts or actions. Bare with me on this and keep pushing through. If you liked my other book 'Ghost'.... then trust me and keep reading. :D

The male love interest, King... is a psychopath. So his love, obsession and posessiveness of her grows quickly and strong. He will do and say some things that may make you cringe, get angry, laugh, and or turn you on... so be warned!
18+ and up.
Please don't get frustrated with Saba. Her self-esteem issues stem from mine. Depression is not a joke and if you're struggling with it, please talk to someone. Do not be a bully. Help someone.

Thank you for trying out my new book!



^ King aka The King ^

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^ King aka The King ^

^ King aka The King ^

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^ Noah ^

^ Declan ^

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^ Declan ^

^ Declan ^

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^ Roman ^

^ Jackson & Jensen ^*Jackson : Covered in tattoos*Jensen : Less tattoos

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^ Jackson & Jensen ^
*Jackson : Covered in tattoos
*Jensen : Less tattoos

^ Jackson & Jensen ^*Jackson : Covered in tattoos*Jensen : Less tattoos

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^ Romney ^

^ Saba Harper ^Pronounced : (S - ah - buh)

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^ Saba Harper ^
Pronounced : (S - ah - buh)

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