Bags (Sam) Part 6

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Song: Fade by Ben Stitt

The final part. I took forever writing it. Which was mean because of how I ended part 5 but school and work got in the way. Hope you guys enjoy the ending to such an emotional mini series, and thanks for reading :)

A week later, you're sitting on Noah's bed, watching him work on a drawing as you listen to the rock music playing softly in the background. In a couple of hours, Greta Van Fleet would begin touring, their first show happening close by. Your stomach churns as you watch Noah calmly draw lines and shapes on the paper, completely unaware of the war your brain is fighting right now. You decide to distract yourself, and go over to Noah, resting your chin on the top of his head.

"You getting bored?" Noah laughs, putting down his pencil and turning to look at you.

"No don't stop, I love watching you draw." You playfully shove the pencil back at him. "I just wanted a closer look."

"How about we do something else instead." Noah smile mischievously, and pulls you towards his bed, kissing you. You loved how the way he kissed you changed throughout the months, going from desperate and passionate to gentle and thoughtful, his lips lingering in the moment and memorizing the shape of yours. But as he gently pushes you onto the mattress and begins to snake his hands under your shirt, his touch suddenly feels foreign, unwanted. You pull away from him, tugging your shirt down.

"Is something wrong?" He asks, sitting down on the bed next to you.

"No." You answer quietly, keeping your gaze off him. "Sorry, I'm just not in the mood."

"That's okay." Noah leans back against the pillows and pulls you towards him, positioning yourselves so your head is on his chest and his arm is around you. He runs his fingers through your hair. "You know you can tell me if something's wrong, right?"

"Yeah, of course." You look up at him, faking a smile. "I'm just kinda tired, that's all."

"You wanna just stay in and watch something tonight? We don't have to go out again, I feel like we need a night in anyway."

You glance at the time on your phone, your lock screen a picture of you playing with the boys in the studio. It's already 7pm. "Yeah, that's fine."

Noah notices you looking at the time. "Wait, don't the guys have a show tonight?"

"Yeah." You reply absentmindedly, trying not to think about what Jake had said to you at the party last week. 

"Don't you wanna go? I feel like we should go and support them before they leave for tour."

"I see the guys play all the time, I think I can miss a show." You roll over to face Noah and kiss his cheek. "Besides, I wanna spend time with you."

"Correction. You want to avoid Sam." Noah's words are unexpected, and you hesitate a moment out of shock before responding.

"What?" Is all you manage. Noah moves to the edge of the bed and sits up, and you follow, sitting cross legged next to him.

"You can be honest with me, you know that, right?"

You don't answer right away, the words stuck in your throat. You have to tell him, you just don't know how. You don't want to break his heart, but it is inevitable. You swallow thickly.

"Noah, I should've told you everything. I was scared and confused, and I didn't want to hurt you but-"

Noah cuts you off. "He likes you. And I know you like him."

You sit there, stunned. "How... how did you know?"

"Last week, after that party, something changed. At first I couldn't quite pin what it was, but I realized the truth has been staring right at me this whole time." He takes a deep breath. "It's okay. I mean like it's not because this hurts but... " He trails off, his voice quiet. "I had a feeling this might happen and yeah it fucking sucks to know you don't love me the same way I love you, but I just want you to be happy."

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