Groupie (Danny)

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(y/f/n) = your best friend's name

The drinking age is 19 in Ontario, and Danny's 19 so I'm not including any underage drinking here if you happen to be wondering!

You and (y/f/n) love Greta Van Fleet. And by love, you mean the two of you are completely obsessed with every aspect of the band, from the music, their styles, and the members themselves, and considered yourselves groupies. You and (y/f/n) went to as many of their shows as possible, and a bit shamefully will admit to waiting outside venues and hotels in the hopes of meeting the group.

It's Friday night, and you and (y/f/n) are currently living in Toronto. One of the perks of living there is the live music, especially since its a city Greta Van Fleet frequents. You both had tickets to their show, and managed to make your way up to the front row of the crowd.

"I swear, if we don't catch them this time I'm going to go into full stalker mode and find out exactly what hotel room they're staying in and show up there." (y/f/n) says, making you laugh.

"Okay that is far too creepy! Don't worry, we'll see plenty of them anyway. We're front row for the first time!" You gesture at the fence in front of you, barely able to contain your excitement. "Who knows, maybe they'll notice you and come looking for you after." You playfully jab (y/f/n) with your elbow.

"Do not even joke about that, I would die if that were to happen!"

"Oh my god, there they are!" The crowd suddenly starts screaming as the boys walk out onto the stage. You and (y/f/n) are jumping up and down with excitement. You've seen the band so many times before, and every time feels like the first.

Josh keeps your attention for the first couple songs, his incredible voice and wild outfit captivating. But after the third, your eyes wander to the rest of the band, and land upon Danny. Despite seeing the group many times, you hadn't noticed Danny as much as you do now. You almost can't believe how you seemed to miss how incredibly attractive he is, wearing nothing but a black vest and red pants. You can see his toned arms as he plays wildly, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration and his hair flying around his face and shoulders. You don't even notice you've been staring until he looks up and makes eye contact with you, and you just catch the half smile he makes before he goes back to focusing on the drums.

"Did you just see that?!" (y/f/n) exclaims. "Danny just smiled at you!"

"No, there's no way." You argue, but a small part of you is giddy with the thought that Danny Wagner, drummer of your favorite band, may have just smiled at you.

"Um yes way! I bet you he'll do it again." (y/f/n) says, so you figure, why the hell not, and shyly look over at him again. Within half a second, Danny is looking up at you again, the same look on his face and his eyes clearly locked on you.

"I told you!" (y/f/n) grabs your arm in excitement, and no longer able to contain yourself you squeal along with her. For the rest of the show, you keep glancing over at Danny, who never fails to meet your gaze.

Before the concert, you and (y/f/n) had made reservations for a late night restaurant, the same one you'd heard the Greta Van Fleet members had gone to before when they visited Toronto. It was a long shot, but if you were to meet any of them, you figured it was at least worth trying.

As the waiter seats the two of you at a booth, you scan the crowded restaurant for any sign of the boys. Your heart sinks a bit when you don't see them, but decide to stay positive and at least enjoy the food.

"Ugh, I was really hoping they'd be here." (y/f/n) sighs, looking around the room again.

"I know me too, but there's so many restaurants we knew it wasn't likely they'd come here again. At least we tried." You take a sip of your drink. "On the bright side, these drinks are incredible and pretty cheap." This makes (y/f/n) laugh, and you decide to order another round. Just as you're sipping your second drink, someone slides into the booth next to you.

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