Bags (Sam) Part 2

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Part 2 featuring Tongue Tied by Grouplove because who doesn't love that song in the summer, and this perfect pic of Sam, plus lots of cheesiness. Hope you have as much fun reading as I did writing it! This will probably end up being 4 or 5 parts, so stay tuned for another couple updates this week!

As much as you loved summer, there wasn't a single year where shit didn't go down.

It must be the heat going to everyone's heads, or how weeks of nothing to do add up to chaotic boredom; whatever it is, the summer was always a rollercoaster of everlasting memories and complete disasters.

You park your car on the edge of the road leading up to the large house, the bass already audible from the party. It isn't like you to go to such a big house party like this, but it's the summer and you had nothing better to do. You hike up the long driveway and go around to the back of the house, entering through the sliding glass doors by a large patio.

There are a lot of people you don't recognize, but most are familiar faces, people who either went to your high school or schools in surrounding districts, and a couple groups of out of towners who are here only for the summer. Already feeling uncomfortable, you fill a red solo cup with a generous amount of vodka on the kitchen island, and mix it with sprite. You gulp down the whole drink as you meander through the crowds, looking for your four mischievous guy friends.

"(y/n!)" Danny shouts, waving at you from the other side of the room. You smile and walk over to them, but stop once you see them looking you up and down with wide eyes.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." You mock, rolling your eyes.

"Sorry it's just-" Josh gulps. "You got uh, tan!"

"Yeah, that tends to happen after you sit out in the sun." You say, glancing at Sam to see his reaction. Sure, you did spend a couple of days out on the beach before coming to this party, and yeah your tan looked perfect with your blue and white striped henley tank that came down just the right amount and short ripped festival shorts, and maybe your hair had gotten some sun streaks and beach waves, but not of that was completely planned. You turn back to the whole group, trying not to grin to yourself at the sight of Sam completely at a loss of words, unable to take his eyes off you. "You guys wanna get a drink?"

"Yeah, let's do it." Jake says, heading back towards the island. Everyone mixes a drink, and you raise an eyebrow at Sam who practically fills half his cup with vodka. He shrugs and turns away from you, finishing it off in seconds. After a couple more drinks and some casual conversation, Josh pours a final round of shots for everyone, raising his in a toast.

"To a night of fun." He gestures at the group dramatically, and you laugh at him, raising your own glass. Everyone downs the shots, and you wince and cough at the burn in your throat.

"Wow, we really gotta work on your ability to take shots." Sam laughs.

You hit him playfully. "Shut up, I tried."

"Anyone wanna dance?" Josh asks, already making his way towards the living room. There were colorful lights strung up around the room, and a large speaker in the corner blasted all the favorite party tunes that everyone knew but couldn't quite name. You all follow him into the crowd of people. You always liked this kind of party; though large, everyone was dressed casually, and everyone was dancing and smiling and laughing and drinking, just having a genuinely fun time with one another. You notice Sam hanging back, so you grab his hand and pull him into the crowd.

"C'mon, you know I hate dancing." He groans, resisting your grip. You don't let go until you're smack in the middle of the crowd.

"I don't care." You smile, holding your hands out as you dance. "You know I love dancing, and that I don't take no for an answer."

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