"Hey." The redhead's friend frowned at Y/N, "That's not nice."

Y/N stuck out her tongue at him, "Bucky, this guy," She pointed at the friend, "Is Clint Barton. He's also known as Hawkeye to...no one but him."

Clint shook his head, "Everyone calls me Hawkeye!"

The redhead snorted out a laugh, "Oh yeah, totally!" She commented, sarcastically.

"She is Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow," Y/N continued. 

Something piqued in his brain as he regarded Natasha. She seemed...familiar. And by the look of things, the way her smile tightened as she looked at him, Natasha knew who he was too.

"And this guy here," Y/N nudged the goatee guy, "Is Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, or" She rolled her eyes, "Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist."

Bucky took another glance at the goatee man and his eyes widened as memories flashed through his mind. Howard.

"Help...my wife...help my wife"

Bucky shook his head of those memories. No. Not now.

"Then we've got Sam, who's running outside right now, and Bruce, who's in the lab, probably. And we've also got Thor but he's currently off-world." 

And then a blond-haired man, Steve, entered the kitchen, in the middle of asking Tony something but then freezing in his tracks as he lays eyes on Bucky.

"Buck?" Steve asked, stunned, by the look on his face.

"Hi..." the urge to add 'punk' appeared in him, seemingly familiar to him.

"And of course, you've met Steve," Y/N finishes, taking a sip of her drink from her mug.

"Nice to see you," Steve smiled at him, sounding casual and indifferent. Maybe Y/N drilled Steve on how to react around him? The last time Bucky had seen him, Steve appeared to be fighting back the urge to hug him or something... and now, he was totally calm. Huh.

There was an awkward pause and then Steve sighed, "Well...um. Y/N!" He suddenly exclaimed, making her jump in her seat and almost spill the drink out of her mug, "I need to talk to you."

Y/N took a deep gulp from her mug and then placed it on the counter, getting off her seat and following Steve out of the kitchen.

Steve waited for her in the corridor, his hand tapping on his thigh as nervous energy bubbled through him. Y/N closed the door behind her and shot him a curious look. 

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked, a questioning look on her face.

Steve let out a deep breath that he seemingly had held back, "Um...Fury's asked me if you're okay to go on missions again..." He informed her, unsure at how she was going to respond.

Y/N blew out a breath herself, "Oh...uh..I mean, I guess I'm set to go on missions again...maybe not big ones at first though?" She added, weakly.

Steve nodded, "I have one set up...with the whole team...do you want to accompany us? You don't have to play a major role in it, it's just so that I can tell Fury that you're part of it..."

Y/N nodded, enthusiastically, "That's perfect!"


Why had she agreed to join the others on this mission?

Her ears were ringing. Everywhere around her was filled with dust, so much that she thought she was choking on it, and fire. Fire licked the trees and sides of the base, fire from an explosion she'd set off. She could hear muffled screams coming from the base but knew the screams didn't belong to her friends. Her hands were grimy with dirt and shaking. Her knees quivered, weak, like the rest of her. Her limbs were too heavy to lift, stuck to her sides, and all she wanted to do was hide in the safety of the jet.

A roar of rage echoed around the area and she shivered at the fury coming from it. A pang of pity started in her heart at the poor victims of the new attack, the Hulk was a hard one to beat and the HYDRA agents were no match to the beast.

She darted to hide behind a thick tree trunk, peeking over the edge to assess the battlefield going on ahead of her. She knew she had to join the others, but fear was holding her down in place, keeping her from moving.

Come on, Y/N. Get a grip, they need you. 

She gritted her teeth and pushed herself up off the ground. Her feet thudded on the ground, loudly, as she raced back down towards the others. Her hand reached for her gun in her belt and successfully whipped it out without causing any issues. Immediately, she dove into a bush and readied her weapon. She lifted the gun up and aimed at one of the HYDRA agents who was approaching Nat while the ex-assassin was in the middle of fighting another agent. 

Not on my watch, Y/N thought as she pulled the trigger, watching the agent go down with a hole in his head.

Other agents realised where the bullet had come from and started firing at her bush. 

"Shit, shit, shit!" Y/N shrieked, running out of her cachette and ducking out of the way from bullets being shot at her. 

She hid behind a tree, her heart pounding in her ears as she heard more shots being fired. Calm down. Get the job done.

Cursing to herself, she sped out of her hiding place and ran, headfirst, into the battlefield, shooting at the enemies around her as she joined the others. She ended up fighting agents with Nat on one side, and Steve on the other. 

As Nat got a guy in a leglock, snapping his neck with one twist of her thighs, and Steve was throwing his shield like a frisbee all around the field, Y/N was punching and shooting HYDRA agents in the face and body. 

They were winning, she was sure of it.

Another roar came from somewhere further out and that's when she knew that they were close to finishing up the battle. Thank God.

The next ten minutes or so were a blur. Nothing but screams and gunshots and blood. 

She was in the middle of punching a guy to death on the ground when she felt a gentle hand on her shoulder. Y/N stopped what she was doing and looked over. It was Steve.

"Did we beat them?" She panted, sending one final blow to the already almost dead guy's head, finishing him off.

"Hell yeah, we did." Steve grinned at her.

A/N *Hi! I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Please let me know if you have any advice or feedback on anything (it's more than welcome) and um...yeah! (no but really, advice would be awesome. I barely know what I'm doing half the time)

Have a great week-end/week!  ❤️*

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