*Time skip*

I came back down. "Do you feel better ?" Asked Bobby carefully. "Yes, I suppose so.." I answered. I came into kitchen, where Sam sat on chair, doing something on his laptom. He looked at me and then at my hand. "What in the hell happened to you." Sam pointed at my hand. "I cut my hand on glass." I answered quickly and took cup into my hand. "Where did you leave Dean ?" Asked Sam. "At the bar." I said angrily as I was making myself coffee. He nodded his head and looked back at his laptop.

*Time skip 1 am*

I was sitting in living room. Everybody went to sleep, but I decided to stay awake and wait for Dean. I was reading some book, but I didn't pay attention to it. I was thinking about Dean. Can I... Can I be in love with him ? No... Definitely no.. We are hunters... We shouldn't... We can't... Suddenly I heard the door open. I took my gun from the table. As I looked into hallway, I saw drunk Dean on the floor. He looked up at me. Drunk smile went across his face. "(Y/N) ! Hey~. I am so glad to see you !" He yelled. "Shush !" I put my finger on my lips. "You have to be quiet ! Everyone's sleeping!" I whispered as I helped him to stand up. "You have really beautiful eyes, you know that ?" He looked into my (e/c) eyes and you looked into his forest green eyes. "Thanks.. " I whispered, little blush went across my cheeks. I helped him into his room. When I finally put him into bed, I turned ready to left, but Dean caught my wrist. "Don't leave me... please... I can't lose you too.." He whispered, already half asleep. What is he talking about ? I looked down at him. He looked like he wanted to cry. I sighed. "Dean, I need go into my own bed." Dean shook his head. "No, I want sleep with you." He looked at me with pleading eyes. "Ok then.." I slowly laid next to him, our noses almost touched. "What happened ?" Dean asked after awhile as his eyes felt on my hand. "Nothing.." I lied. Dean raised his eyebrow. "Please, (Y/N), tell me." I sighed. "I- I punched into a mirror and I cut my hand.." I said and looked away. "Why did you do it ?" Why I did do that ? "B-because..." I sighed. "Because I was... angry.." I whispered. "Angry at who ?" Damnit ! Why he need to know that !?  "Do you want to know ?! I was angry at that stupid girl at the bar !" I lost my cool and standed up from the bed. I raised my voice a little. "No ! I wasn't angry at her ! I was fucking JEALOUS ! Because she- because you-" I couldn't find the right words. Actually I didn't have to, becasue Dean's lips suddenly were on mine. My eyes went wide for a moment, but then I kissed him back. Dean's hands went slowly to my ass and a small moan escaped my lips. It looked like it turned Dean on even more, because he started kissing me more passionately. I put my hands around his neck, pull him more closser to me. "You can't even imagine, how long I wanted to do this." He said in between kisses. "Shut up Winchester." I whispered as I attacked his neck. I bit his neck, leaving love marks. Dean groaned more louder. "(Y-Y/N)." Dean  moaned out. Dean is moaning my and only my name. I came back to his lips. I opened my mouth, Dean's tongue slide into my mouth as his curious hands went slowly under my t-shirt. I broke the kiss and pushed him away. "N-no... I can't.." I whispered. Dean was looking at me in confusion. "I-I have to go." I said and literally ran out of his room.

*Dean's POV*

I watched how (Y/N) slowly disappeared. I sat on my bed and put my face into my hands. I am so stupid ! Why did I do that ?!... I sighed and looked at the place, where (Y/N) was standing just a minute ago. I laid on the bed and closed my eyes. I have to talk to her tomorrow. Then I slowly fell asleep.

*(Y/N)'s POV*

I closed the door behind me. What just happened ?! I didn't know if I am happy or mad. I laid on my bed and sighed. I have to talk to him tomorrow... And then I fell asleep.


I came slowly down and made my way into kitchen. "Good morning bug." Said Bobby with smile. He used to call me like that, when I was a kid. "Wow.. I did not hear that nickname in a really long time." I looked at Bobby with surprise written on my face. "I know." He gave me a kind smile and then he left. Suddenly I heard flutter of wings. "Hello (Y/n/N)." I turned around and saw Gabe. My smile grew even bigger. "Gabe !" I said and hugged him. "I can see, you missed me." He said with smirk. "Where were you been ?" I asked. "Well.." He looked on ground. "Gabriel." He looked up at me again. "I was.." Gabe's eyes fell on my injured hand. "-what happened to you ?" He asked, worry in his eyes. "Don't change the subject." I raised my voice. "I was hunting, ok ?" I looked at him in shock. "You ?" Gabe slowly nodded. "Wow... And you didn't ask me to join you ?" I said with laugh as I shook my head. "Yeah, sorry (Y/n/N). I'll give you an invitation next time." He said sarcasticaly and I rolled my eyes. "Ok. Do you want anything, or did you ate ?" I asked as I turned to the fridge. "Well... If you have some candy.." I laughed and pointed at a shelf under me. His eyes lighted up and he came to the shelf and took a lollipop. I made myself a sandwich and then we went into living room. As we were watching some film on tv, Dean came down. "Hey (Y/N) I want to- Gabriel ?" He glared at him but then he looked at me again. "I want talk to you, alone." He glared at Gabe again. I slowly nodded. Does he want talk about yesterday ? I thought as I followed him into kitchen. He closed door behind him. "I want talk with you about what happened last night." Oh crap !

Hi everybody ! I am sorry that I posted little bit late 😅. I think this will be interesting 😏. What do you thing, Dean want to tell her ? Write into comments ! I hope you all enjoyed this 😉.  Bye~


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