Three, Austyn

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"Of course, I don't have a life you know that." I shrugged not embarrassed by the truth.

"Not what I heard about last night. Somebody had a bit too much to drink from what I was told." He was holding back a laugh and pointing at me with a raised eyebrow. I gave him a look, a very knowing look basically shooting daggers and calling him an asshole at the same time.

"Ha, Ha." He flung his head back laughing. "You know I don't care as long as you are good." I wasn't a drinker, everyone knew this. I'd have a beer maybe 2 and that was it. Besides a few times a year when I just let loose to have fun and forget about everything.

"I'm good." I started walking away. "I'll be in my office." I waved him off and made my way upstairs and into my office. After a few hours of my head buried in some paperwork and not watching the clock, Cassie came running into my office with a dress bag in hand. I blinked a few times at her before giving her a very confused look. 

"Uh, the guy?" She just looked at me as if I was stupid. Holding the dress bag in the air she shook it lightly. I looked up at the clock and my eyes went wide, it was about 5 minutes till the time he put onto the note. Not that I had to be exactly on time that would probably make me look super desperate, but I was also not good at being late. "Oh, yea it's time honey. Also, pretty sure he's already down there. Those eyes and smile will not leave my brain. Black button down tonight, blue jeans, boots. Damn I'd sleep with that man without caring what his name was. He fills out that button down perfectly, girl I need a play by play from you of that man naked."

I got out of my chair checking out the bar below from the one-way glass wall installed in my office and I could see him. My insides instantly got tight when he cracked that gorgeous smile at our bartender for the night obviously thanking her and taking his bottle and placing it to his lips.

I stood there and watched him for a few minutes, he didn't check his phone, he didn't check his watch, he didn't check out any of the gorgeous girls that were all around him, some trying hard to get his attention. He just sat there, hand on his beer bottle the entire time, periodically taking sips and keeping his eyes focused in front of him. I think on the game that was playing on the TV above the bar but couldn't tell. I caught myself smiling.

"What did you bring me?" I started reaching for the dress bag quickly grabbing it and unzipping it. Thankfully it was just a very cute all black short dress with straps. Perfect. She also held up a pair of strappy heels. I grabbed her face kissing her cheek before quickly starting to change.

"Want me to zip?" I nodded my head quickly pulling my hair away so she could zip me up. She clapped a few times before throwing her bag on my desk and making quick work of putting on make-up and fixing my hair. This is what she lived her. She was a stylist, hair and make-up were her thing, her passion. She loved making people up so to speak. "You ready to meet this gorgeous man again?" I laughed.

"I met him when I was completely sober, well almost completely sober." She laughed as well before dragging me out of the door and heading down the stairs almost falling several times in the process I might add.

It was so loud in the club there was no way that he could have heard me coming down the stairs, but his eyes came right to mine, and when I almost fell, I swore I saw him start to jump up as if he could have caught me from all the way over at the bar. I smiled looking down then back at him. Cassie finally let me go and I shooed her away as I made the last few steps to him.

"This seat taken?" His smile made my insides tight once again.

"No, it's all yours." I smiled and sat down as my beer was placed in front of me and Morgan winked before walking away. I rolled my eyes at her and laughed.

"Maybe I shouldn't drink this at all because well I don't remember much of last night, after dragging you on the dance floor. Sorry about that by the way." I smiled shy this time feeling my face heat.

"No worries, it was a fantastic dance. Well several dances, you didn't want to stop. I didn't mind one bit." I laughed again and put my head down.

"I am so embarrassed, and really sorry about whatever else I did. That's not me at all." I moved my hands back and forth to emphasize that I wasn't like that.

"You didn't do anything too embarrassing I promise. The worst was passing out while trying to get your dress off." I covered my face.

"Okay maybe I should be drinking." I laughed taking a sip of my beer. "Seriously fill in my blanks please."

"Not much to fill in, we danced, you asked me to take you home." I covered my face again. He put his hands up in defense. "I took you home, quite literally, helped you inside. You went up to your room and passed out. All I did was get your shoes off and help you the rest of the way into your bed, covering you up in the process. I got the care package, picked up your things from the floor, oh yeah, you definitely dropped your entire purse on the floor, and laughed about it." I'm pretty sure I was bright red, and he was laughing which was just music to my ears.

"So embarrassing. I'm going to go kill myself now." I laughed as did he. I turned on my stool to pretend to get up but he set his hand on my wrist stopping me.

"Promise it wasn't that bad."

"So, most guys would have taken advantage, but you didn't?" I was honestly curious about this because let's be honest most guys today would have just jumped at the chance of a girl passed out on her bed. I wanted to know why he was so different.

"I was raised to help not hurt." I smiled at him which he returned, and I finally made eye contact this time. His sky-blue eyes were staring right through me deep down to my soul. I jumped when hands smacked down on my shoulders and squealed. He laughed looking at who was behind me as I slowly turned around to see Cassie standing there smiling like a mad woman.

"I have to pee." I rolled my eyes at her and looked back over at Dane.

"I'll be right back, you know apparently we can't go alone anymore." I said the last part extra loud before getting up and following Cass to the hallway bathrooms. She just didn't want to go alone that was it. She didn't want to small talk or anything like that. Strictly wanted to pee. I rolled my eyes at her before we both walked back out into the main area of the club.

"Good luck." She winked at me and walked away.

Falling For a Hitman (Hitman Series Pt. 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang