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Author's Note: The 4th chapter is based on Disturbed's song Criminal by naming the chapter in subsequence. I hope you like and enjoy the new chapter, besides don't be afraid to share your thoughts up to now what do you think instead of being silent! I'd be happy to hear your opinions.

Warning: This chapter contains gore, strong language  and homicide/death which aren't recommended for sensitive audition. 

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--- A Few Hours Later ---

After Dr. Arden's arrest by the authorities, thereafter Timothy announced to the young sister of the church to visit his office within a few hours, in order to have a grave conversation in face-to-face without even mentioning the real reason why he's calling her urgently.

As soon as the juvenile woman of the cloth paced meekly as her monotonous Mary Jane footsteps clicked against the cemented flooring as a jumping hare, she stepped beside the ambitious Monsignor's office by balling into a fist her petite, creamy as silk hand, rapping softly, lightly on the door material by keeping his wits about his recent visitor. Her flimsy heart vehemently drummed in her ribs cage as its heart pulsations pumped into her sensitive, petite ears.

"Come in, Sister!" The British aristocrat ordered, whilst seating sternly on his oak wood bureau, awaiting the visitor to set a foot in his office.

"Monsignor, you wanted to see me!" The juvenile blond shut the door behind her shortly after setting a foot in the priest's office as he nodded modestly, affirming her words in a strong agreement with a vague, benevolent smile, smeared across his berry-coloured, soft as satin lips. "Do I need to lock the door?"

"Yes, of course, because nobody is supposed to disturb us." Meantime, the young woman just bobbed her head mousily, doing whatever Timothy ordered her by turning the key in the keyhole, throughout he ushered her to sit against his bureau. "Neither Sister Jude, nor anybody else!" She bit her lip by seating against him, listening attentively each pelt word of his, produced by his vocal stings that surged vocally until they reach his pale-pinkish lips.


"Are you aware that Dr. Arden is arrested until the trial that will be within a few months?"

"Y-Yes, of course! I'm sure Sister Jude informed you about him, because she warned me either." Vaguely smug smile blossomed on his parchment, still youthful handsome complexion, bobbing his head in a choir, backing her up, due to the fact, she's fully aware what a doctor they kept behind the madhouse's dull walls to cure patients and discovering even leaking his grim past. Grim past as a Pandora's Box, full of paradoxal and somber secrets, mysteries, prejudices and truths behind the true identity of Dr. Arden and who's he actually. Furthermore, grim past full of paradoxal and gruesome secrets and mysteries what he's capable of back then and nowadays.

"Excellent, Sister! But I've to admit her demeanor over the past handful of days isn't the same like before." Hemming scratched his throat, sluggishly producing the syllables by ducking his head, shamefacedly at the thought of his favorite nun and one of a kind right hand raping him on the night of the storm.

"I think you're kinda right, Monsignor! B-Because she seems incredibly smart."

"Not only that! Moreover, I've to admit she's being harsher to the patients and not showing any modicum of mercy and compassion to the repentant souls." Meantime, his chubby cheeks tinged unhealthy carmine as humid heat crept underneath his facial skin, disturbing him to bones at the haunting thought of her brass mottled irises, amalgamating with the outstanding hazelish-brown pigment which was her natural eye color, shadowed by infernal, invincible yearn to incessantly watch him any fragment of the day and even in his dreams and slumber. Overflowed with sleazy lust, inexorable desire and glacial love as the genuine devil's ogle to drain every ounce from Timothy's frail skeleton. The smugness tinting the tempting, wicked grin and flashing its ivory, firm teeth as a crooked smile of the smiling cat from Alice in Wonderland. The porcelain, mossy skin contacting his as they synchronized together in a choir and the forceful, sinful thrusts of their sexes, their grinding and rotating hips. Wicked, resilient chuckles clicking against the roof of her mouth. The scrumptiousness of the luscious, first ever kiss he's ever received from a representative of the opposite sex especially his rara avis. The explicit images of his maneuvered hand cupped the roundness, firmness of her breast, donned in the satin armor of her ravishing red nightie, hugging her swan and slender curves as a snake skin. "All I can hear is their cries after the canes bloodily canes them and they can't even sit comfortably. She yells at them as if they've committed the biggest crime ever in their life. She has no mercy to them anymore like before." The both pious members of the clergy gulped hard the lump, budding up their throats as Mary Eunice could scarcely believe her mentor has drastically changed onward for the last 24 hours even slightly more. They loved one another platonically as a mother and a daughter even if they weren't a biological mother and a daughter at all. Mary Eunice has always loved Jude as her own mother figure, replacing her biological even once foster mother until the destiny fated her to be orphan for the rest of her days. Mary Eunice would still love Jude, regardless how relentlessly harsh is she and her flaws even when the former promiscuous jazz nightclub singer is possessed by the devil.

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