Mall Adventure?!

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I just went to the mall right before writing this. Freaky.


*Your POV*

"I'll meet you guys at the food court around 1:30!" I shout back at them before taking off. I went straight to the rows of stores that sell clothing, for my closet is in need of some. My eyes lit up at how many shops there were.

I went to a store where they sell normal clothing like jeans, shorts, t-shirts, and stuff like that. I got a medium sized pile of clothing and paid for them at the cash register. I didn't even want to know the total and just gave them a golden card that is always by my side.

I then went to a place where they only sell sweatshirts. I love sweatshirts, and sweatshirts love me. I got like, 12 sweatshirts each with different designs, materials, and colors. My favorite was the (f/c) one with the really fluffy material on the inside of it.

The next store I went to sold bathing suites. Alfred told me to get some since he has a lot of pool parties and I believed him. My selection was 7 different bikinis and I don't care how they look on me. I am not so 'self confident' as a normal girl would be(I'm not weird :3).

The last store I went to was my favorite one of all. Hot Topic.

*Arthur POV*

I was in Hot Topic looking at the Doctor Who merchandise. I got a shirt, a coffee mug, and a bow tie. When I was at the checkout, I heard (name) rush in and look around.

"Hey, love." I said as she looked at me. She waved back, grabbed a bunch of random merchandise and went to pay. I was confused on how she did that so fast but that subject isn't important.

(Name) came back to me and said "It's 1:23 right now. Should we head to the food court?"

"Yes we shall. I don't want keep Alfred waiting."

"Let's go!" She shouted and raced down to the food court. I let out a sigh and shook my head as I followed her at a slower pace.

*Your POV*

I got there at 1:26 and Arthur cam 2 minutes later. Alfred was already there stuffing his face with burgers at one of the tables there. I sat down beside him and took a burger. Arthur just got a slice of pizza.

As I was scanning my surroundings with my solid (e/c) eyes, I noticed a head covered in platinum hair and a little yellow bird nestled on top. I stopped my next action and walked over to that person.

America and England noticed what I was doing and they started to follow me(talk about stalking much). Then they also saw who I was going towards and they stopped dead.

When I finally reached the person, I asked "Hello, are you by any chance, THE Gilbert Beldishmit?" There was a smirk on my face.

He looked up and saw me. His eyes scanning my body up and down, then he also had a smirk on his face.

"Vhy yes Frau. It is zhe awesome GILBERT!! And who might you be?" He said while wiggling his eyebrows.

"It's (name) (l/name)." 'And where is the rest of the trio?' I wondered looking around. "They should be coming back soon." Was all he said.

Next thing you know, arms slithered around my waist. What happened next was for self defense. I kick the creeper in the place where the sun don't shine with all of my strength. The person doubled over in pain while groaning, and Gilbert looked very surprised. I smirked and turned around. My smirk soon faded away as soon as I saw who the figure was.

"Ohmygod Francis are you okay?" I asked trying to help him up. "Oi I think so. You have a very strong kick mademoiselle." He said trying to smile.

"Ha ha frog! Serves you right for doing something perverted like that!" England laughed.

I looked up at him and glared daggers at him. He saw this and started to look scared. Antonio saw Francis hurt and ran over right away.

"Lo qué pasó Francis?" He said with sadness in his voice, showing that he cared.

"I kicked him in the manhood!" I said very proudly and ashamed at the same time. "Qué?"

"I said I-" "I know what you said but Francis, a girl kicked you and it hurt that bad?" Spain said chuckling a bit. Prussia joined in too.

"But her kicks do really hurt." Francis said a bit hurt. "Fine I'll let her kick me and I'll tell you if it hurts or not." Prussia said trying to be manly.

Boy he was in for it but England interrupted. "How about we take this to my house? I don't want to cause a scene in a place like this.".

"Fine. But can I ride with them back?" I asked while pointing at the trio. "What?! You WANT to go with them?!?!" Arthur asked in confusion. "Yep. And don't tell me no or else." I said while a dark purple aura started forming around me.

"Ok, jeez. You don't have to take it that far dudette." Alfred said and the aura disappeared. "Ok" I said with a cheery voice.

<Mini Time Skip>

We got into the car after Alfred and Arthur said goodbye to me and only me. Francis got in the drivers seat while Gilbert

and Antonio sat in the back with me. I was very squished since i was in the middle because I was the smallest. "Ugh! I'm squished!" I said in an annoying voice. "Your just going to have to deal with it chica" Spain said laughing.

"Shut up Spain!" I said really annoyed. He got surprised. "How do you know that ve are countries frau?" Prussia asked before anyone else could. "It's simple really." Was all I said.They just stared at me still waiting for an answer.

I sighed seeing that they want more than that. "Well, there is a show called Hetalia that has all of you on there. There are also websites with fanfictions and stuff like that with you in them. "What's a fanfiction?" They all asked in unison.

I chuckled darkly and got my phone out. I searched up bad touch trio lemon and held my phone out so they could both read it at the same time. I liked how they have weird expressions but they aren't all the same as England's. But all together they were blushing a dark red by the end of it. I laughed at them since I was used to reading the lemon part.

"V-Vhy vould they something like zat on zhe internet?" Gilbert stuttered while he asked. "I don't know but I think it's funny as hell watching your reactions." I said still laughing loudly. Then all of a sudden a song called 'Call Me Maybe' came on.

"Let's sing!!" I said very loudly and they all agreed. When the first verse was coming I got prepared. When it came, I sang as loud as I could.




And we sang ever so loudly all the way to England's house...

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