Get His Heart Back

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“So how are you?” Elijah asked me, and has been doing it daily since the day we broke up. The month we spent together was heaven, but Elijah insisted after the break up to remain friends, and surprisingly, it worked.

“I’m good. I’ve been reading like a freak, and I’m getting too attached to the book boyfriends it’s so pathetic.” I heard him laugh through the phone, I smiled missing the sound.

“Cute!” I could picture his devastating smile. Lisa kept scolding me and calling me a fool ever since we broke up. Saying he slipped from my fingers, and how much of a catch he is. But my reasons were enough, I couldn’t make him go through the shit I’m facing. I had to face my demons alone, and maybe just maybe stand next to Marc as he fought his.

“Why can’t you tell me of the dispute between you and Beasty?”


“Remy, we call him Beasty.”

“Well  Beasty and I  have our own shit to fix too. Don’t worry your cute little head about it. It’s a complicated story. And you need to listen to both sides, believe me he’ll get too emotional and explain his part with much drama, like the little girl he is. I’ll  tell you one day, maybe when we  settle it. Which is never.” He laughed.

“Very funny, but really Elijah. You didn’t see the way he looked at you the other week, as if he was trying to murder you from the window.”

“Speaking of the window. Where’s that bombshell I saw the other day?”

“Wha..Jane?! Are you kidding me?”

“No!” he laughed through the phone. “ So Jane huh? I should climb up her window and thumb my chest and yell like Tarzan.”

“Shut up.” I giggled imagining the scare face of miss delicacy, Jane would faint if he surprised her with his barbarism.

“IT’S OVER! I SAW YOU REMY SANDS! I FUCKING SAW YOU!” I heard my sister, screech at her boyfriend as they came inside with haste and slammed the door shut behind them. But what stopped me from speaking was the look on Lisa’s face. She had a red nose, and black mascara stains down her eyes, her mouth was in snarls and she was shaking. Bad.

“Hello? Fiona what’s going on over there? Is everything alright? I heard yelling.”

“Look I’ll talk to you later. Something’s off.”

“Wait…” but I hit the end call button.





“Jesus” I breathed looking wide eyed at them. “People!” they both snapped their gaze at me. I shook my hand up and down gesturing them to calm down and listen to reason, yelling wasn’t solving shit.

“I saw him, Fi! I saw him!” she sobbed her body shaking, Lisa heaved and sat down on the couch her head in her palms. Remy though, had a pained look on his face. Damn.

“Rem, sit down. Let’s just listen to reason okay? Calm down and tell me what happened, Lisa.”

But Lisa didn’t answer me, she looked instead at Remy and locked him in her stare. He flinched and looked down at his feet. Great, just great.

“I love you, but you obviously don’t. So why torture me? Why tell me you did when you’re obviously still hung up on Regina Byrne? “ she leaned in and turned his head to  make him look at her.

“I’m not hung up on…”


Lisa slapped Remy hard on the face, his head turned left hissing in pain. I gasped on looked at my sister shockingly. She just slapped him , with everything in her, Lisa smacked her boyfriend with force while tears ran down her face.

“Lisa, baby look at me please.” I pleaded her to look back at me, this had to stop.

She stood up slowly looked at me and shook her head, her green eyes welling up again. God I hated seeing her like that. She leaned down and hissed in his ear.

“I saw you, you say you love me, but you obviously love her more. I’m moving my clothes back to my place, Beasty. It’s time to say good bye.” She kissed his head and walked upstairs, slamming her door shut behind her.

Remy was shaking a small sob escaped him, he ran his hand through his hair and shook his head in disbelief. I went on my knees and gripped his arm forcefully using my strength to snap him back from his pain.

“Will you please explain to me what happened, Beasty.”

“It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault, Fiona. She won’t listen to me. Please make her listen.” It was the first time I see Remy Sands , the proud young man who walked and talked and made my sister smile all these years, cry on my couch and beg me to make my sister snap from her emotions.

“What. Happened!” I snapped, finally he looked up and explained.

Remy was walking to his locker in the gym, when he was surprised by the hand of Regina Byrne on his region. He said she used to do that when they were together, to make him look at her. Dirty little bitch. Regina Byrne locked Remy into her grip and made him sit down and listen to her saying how much she missed him and wanted them back together, it was her mistake they broke up and the thought of being away from Remy was agonizing. Yea right. Remy told me how she manipulated him saying she helped him move on when his mother died which made him feel guilty and remember the time they spent together.

“But then she kissed me, I couldn’t control it! I swear. I’m a weak asshole and I couldn’t push her away, I tried to push her back but didn’t want to hurt her, so I gripped her hip and then Lisa…”

“But why were you feeling guilty, if you’re saying she pushed you. You flinched Remy. Why?”

“Because I had a flashback, she’s good Fiona. Regina is good when she wants to play, even the strong hearted couldn’t get away from her grasp. I lost everything, Fi! I can’t breathe without Lisa! Please…”

“I’m sorry” he looked at me with pain, his eyes showing his vulnerability. “ I can’t fix your mess, sweetie. You have to fight for your own heart. She won’t listen you know her. You have to make her listen by yourself this time. I can’t always fix your mess.”

He sighed and gripped my hands in his, kissed them both and laid them on his lap underneath his.

“Can I sleep here?”

“I don’t think that’s…”

“Please, Fi! Let me get my heart back.” His strong hold on my fingers was getting painful, the remorse on his face was honest. Fuck it! It’s Remy!

“Fine, but just for tonight!”

“I love you! I really love you both. I’ll get her back. I swear. I’ll get my heart back.”

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