Exchange of love

46 10 17

They say love can't be bought
But she sells hers nightly
They take what they need
Sometimes holding her tightly

She gets her sweet hit
With a sharp scratch to her thigh
Not one buyer
ever stopped to ask why

She gives them love
For a price so small
She'll beg and plead
She'll strip and she'll crawl

She'll love and hold
Whisper false promises in their ear
Sometimes they just need somebody
To be intimate with while they share fears

She does a great job
She sells what can't be bought
So that she can breathe through the cracks
Finding the love that she sought

She pumps the bought love
Into her veins
She gets what she needs
It makes her feel warm and safe

This exchange of love
Is full of sorrow and peace
It starts with a build of anxiety
And ends with a slow release

She helps their heart to race
So that she can force hers to slow
With a map so wide open
But nowhere to go

The Angel takes the love
And she takes it in deep
One last hit
Before she goes to sleep

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