Devils Edge

72 14 58

We lie.

Whilst looking into another's eyes.

We cheat. On games, tests, and the people that stay by our side.

We hurl abuse at the ones we love and unnecessarily cry.

Sometimes we're cruel for no known reason and ourselves even wonder why.

We gamble. We feed and we drink ourselves daft.

We hurry on forward but dwell on our past.

We lust after people before getting over the last.

We watch people be bullied as we sit silently in class.

It's a living horror movie and we're our own cast.

We are gods children. The devils spawn.

But we've been living wrongly ever since we were born.

Throw away your halos and lift up your horns.

You're not showing your worth, you're constantly torn.

Smiling happily when it's time for you to mourn.

We hold grudges rather than forgive and forget.

Everything's a game. Always a bet.

Thinking that those that are pretty are an obvious threat

So go on take the pledge.

Step towards the devils edge.

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