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Ini curcol aja :")

Soalnya aku udah gatau lagi mau cerita ke siapa. Idk

I think... my parents r going to divorce

I dont know what to do honestly. Sadness, anger, anxiety, fear semua keaduk jd satu :")

Aku berusaha buat ga nangis di depan adek:") krn aku tau dia pasti auto nangis juga :") he's too young for this kind of pain

And seeing him cry this morning just tore my heart apart.

Seeing how sad everyone is just so hard.

Everyone gets hurt one way or another

Seeing how sad, lonely, and tired my father these days is just heartbreaking

And realising that he IS actually sad, lonely, and tired takes heartbreak to another level

Seeing my mother crying everyday is hard enough

Hearing her whimper alone is just too much

What about my lil bro? What about me? What about us? Mom? Dad?

Suddenly future seems so terrifying

Someone pls help. Im afraid

Bittersweet Memoir [Previously Dear Heart, Why?]Where stories live. Discover now