In A Tight Spot

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It was an early morning after Izuku and Bakugou had there fun. Izuku was just waking up and it was around 8 in the morning and Bakugou was still sleeping Izuku kissed his forehead and smiled. He threw on an oversized shirt and went downstairs and have breakfast lucky him breakfast was already made my Todoroki and Kirishima. He sat down at the table and greeted them

"Good morning Todoroki, good morning Kirishima did you guys sleep well"he asked giving them a smile

"We slept well" Todoroki said

"Just a lot of noise" Kirishima said

It jumped to him and Izuku blushed brightly and tried to avoid contact

"Oh it must've been outside" he said blushing brighter

"Why isn't bakubro awake yet" Kirishima asked

"Oh you know he's a heavy sleeper" Izuku said

As they were talking about things and what else bakugou cam walking downstairs giving everyone a smug look expect Izuku he actually gave Izuku a smile and waved at him. Which was strange to the others they looked at each other then at bakugou and back at each other. Bakugou sat next to Izuku and glared at the others.

Bakugou places his hand on Izuku's thigh and gripped it roughly. Izuku just sat there with a blush on his face and his hand to cover it up. Izuku remembered about School he totally forgot about school. They haven't been in a while so there gonna have to go back sooner or later. Well everyone expect for Izuku he usually stays home and watches tv. He gets very lonely when his friends and Bakugou aren't home with him

He always wanted to go to school but he knows he can't and if he did it would be a problem like a huge problem.

"We need food the fridge is looking a little empty" Todoroki said opening the fridge that only had leftover takeout and ketchup

"Then let's go to the store" Bakugou said

"Yea your right" Kirishima said

Izuku's faces scrunched up in a bit of jealousy he wants to go but there gonna say no like they usually do. But he's gonna try anyway

"Can I come to the store with you guys I really wanna go" Izuku asked looking down and fiddling with his fingers

"No" Bakugou said sternly immediately Izuku looked hurt and a bit upset he was really hoping he could go

"It's not safe anyways" Kirishima added Izuku didn't care but he wanted to go he wanted to go

"Well be back soon we're just going to get food" Todoroki said giving Izuku a reassuring smile
(Honestly I wanna do like a tododekubaku story but tell me if y'all want that)

Bakugou glared at Todoroki and Todoroki decided to be petty and hugged him. Izuku blushed and Bakugou rolled his eyes

"Okay y'all ready to go" Bakugou said trying to change the subject

"Yea" Shouto and Kirishima said in unison

"Call us if anything bad happens okay Izuku" Shouto said waving Izuku goodbye they closed the door and locked it

"I'm alone now" Izuku said wrapping his tail around his waist

"I hope they come home soon" he said to himself

                                 3 hours later

The guys still didn't come home and Izuku was getting a little worried. He didn't want to call them he didn't want to bother them if they were busy. He decided to call them. He was scared he was gonna get yelled at or worse. Just the door opened and it was Todoroki Bakugou and Kirishima holding tons of bags

"Oh you guys are back you were gone for so long" Izuku said

"Sorry but we needed a lot of things and we got takeout cause he didn't wanna cook"

"Ooo yay thank you so much" he said taking his food

"Were you find alone" Todoroki asked sitting next to Izuku

"Yea I was a bit scared and I was a little lonely but it's fine" he said

"Oh I'm sorry well we're sorry we just needed a lot of food to please our baby Boy Izuku" Todoroki said taking a bit out of his food

Bakugou clenched his teeth and clenched his fist wanting to punch Todoroki. Izuku covered his face in his hands

"Your blush is too cute" Todoroki said

"Yea I can agree his blush is too cute" Bakugou said as Kirishima choked on his food Kirishima was shocked but went back to eating

Izuku just sat there as the two argued. Everything was fine until bakugou and Todoroki stood up and started arguing louder

"Umm guys c-could you stop arguing" Izuku said lightly

"Fine" Bakugou said wrapping his arm around Izuku's waist and Todoroki removed his hand and lates his head on his shoulder

"Asshole" Bakugou said grabbing Izuku's thigh

Izuku say there confused and not knowing what to do.

What do I do...


I have a issue so I have a friend close on she my bitch n all but her Bf is not the shit he yells at her and calls her a bitch or a dumbass or a idiot and slaps her when she try's n fight back we told her to leave him but she won't soooooooo what do I do I wanna help her but she won't let me so what do I do.😶

And I wanna do a tododekubaku thing to this story what do y'all think

My Little Neko (Neko Deku X Bakugou) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant