Please Wake Up

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It was around 9 at night and Todoroki, Kirishima, Deku, and Bakugo have been sleeping so peacefully and sound fully. Kirishima and Todoroki wanted to spend the night to hang out with deku a bit more.

Outside it started to rain like it usually does then... BOOM the thunder stuck and the lighting struck causing Deku to jump practically out his skin. He tried to sleep this off but then the thunder got louder causing Deku to cry.

After about 10 minutes the lighting and thunder started to simmer down and deku was feeling better, then the lighting struck something cause it to hit dekus's window. He jumped up and left his room closing the door behind him.

As deku walked down the dark hallway only light from the moon shining in. He noticed Todoroki was sleeping and he was thinking should he go in there and sleep. While deku was in his thoughts... BOOM, causing Deku to jump and run down the hallway to Katsuki room. He tip tied in to Katsuki room not trying wake him up and got in his bed.

"Katsuki... Are you awake" he asked with caution

"Now I am you fucking nerd, what do you want" Bakugo said catching a attitude

"I'm sorry for waking you up but it's a thunder storm outside so I came in here" deku said

"Are you scared so some shit" Katsuki said

"Yeah a little" deku said a little embarrassed

"Jeez nerd, your so annoying" he said flipping over to face me

"But Katsuki" Deku said trying to get him to realize

"It can't hurt you, now go back to your room" Katsuki said flipping over

Deku looked at Katsuki and then sat up about to get out of his bed when lighting struck causing Deku to hide under the covers and wrapping his arms around Katsuki.

"Katsuki!," he said sounding frightening

Katsuki opened his tired eyes and flipped over looking into Dekus's big green eyes

"You really piss me off" Katsuki said throwing Deku arms off him and wrapping his around deku

"And there's no need to be afraid, nerd" Katsuki said talking into Deku neck

"Thanks kacchan's, your the best" deku said

"I know now go to sleep"Katsuki said as they both drift off into a peacefully slumber

Time skip to in the morning brought to you by deku and kacchan's cuteness

Like always deku wakes up before kacchan's but deku is kinda stuck, kacchan's grip was tight and his hot breath on his neck causing him to squirm and shudder. Kacchan's hands were getting closer and closer to dekus's ass. He tries to pull kacchan's hands off but he wouldn't budge. Kacchan's hands grabbed on to Deku's plump ass causing Deku's fingers nails to sink into kacchan's arm.

He quickly slapped his hand over his  mouth and tried to do something when his ring finger and middle finger brushed over his ass hole causing Deku to moan louder. Deku's face was flushed and he hooked his legs around Katsuki waist. Deku wants to wake Katsuki up but he wants Katsuki to go a bit further

"Ahhh... Katsuki could you let go...mmmm, "Deku said trying to wake his perverted friend/owner up

Katsuki's fingers probed deku's ass hole and pushed his fingers against his ass hole a bit.

" Ahhhh Dadd-Kacchan"he fixing words

Deku didn't want to be seen like this with is face flushed and him begging Kacchan to stop. He didn't know when Kirishima or Todoroki would wake up and walk past his room

"Kacchan ah... Wake up... Please" deku begged

Kacchan pressed his knee against deku's now hard cock causing him to gasp and his eyes to water a bit

"Kacchan please...wake up"deku begged once more

His body was hot all over and he could barley keep his eyes open. His lips were parted slightly and he was rubbing his legs together trying to get some friction. His body couldn't handle all this pleasure and he knew he was going to cum soon. Kacchan began to rub his knee against dekus cock causing him to moan kacchan's name. Then deku felt a knot in his abdomen and he knew he was going to release soon

"Kacchan please...I can't hold it for much longer... I'm cumming... AHHHH" deku said as he came messing up his under wear

Katsuki POV

I was sleeping having a wet dream about deku and during that I heard a light scream that was muffled. I open my eyes and see deku with his face flushed and he was shaking a bit and he was panting

"Now you wake up" Deku said pushing me off the bed and running out the room

Whats with him he seems different than usual. But his face flustered is really sexy and it takes my every cell in my body to hold back because I'm pretty sure if I didn't I would fuck him into the sheets

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom and see dumb and dumber still sleeping

"Hey shit heads get the fuck up" I said slamming the bed rrom door

"Bakugo are you going to school today" kirishima asked me

"No, I don't feel like it" I said

"Can we stay at your house today" kirishima asked

"Why the fuck are you asking me shitty hair" I said

"I mean this is your house and it would be a shame if someone told sensai where Bakugo was for the past 2 days" Kirishima said as the urge to slap him popped up in my head

"Did you just really try and black mail me shitty hair cause it's not working" I said

"Aww man it was working so well until you wanted to be difficult" he said waking up icy hot.

"Where's deku" todoroki asked waking up

"I don't know I remember waking up hearing like a muffled scream then he pushed me off my bed and on to the floor then he just ran out" I said wondering what actually was wrong with deku and why he was acting so werid

"You must've did something to the sweet boy" he said

"What do you mean, I didn't do anything" I said

"Then ask deku what's wrong" he said rolling his eyes

" OK fuck face I'll ask him"i said walking to dekus room.


Haha bitches cliff hanger

I hope u like my smut ish story

But I'll see you guys later

Cacth me on  the flip side

My Little Neko (Neko Deku X Bakugou) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora