Chapter 6

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"Hey Leafos! What page can I find information on the Sarsgorilla?" Leafos had let Delilah borrow her journal with information about all the pinata species on the island. She had been working alot on her garden lately it is something she had always been passionate about and is one of the main reasons she moved back.

"Here let me show you...  this one."

"Thanks. Hey Leafos! I'm going to Costolot store you coming?"

"Sure. You haven't seen Lottie yet have you?"

"I have not. Has she changed much?"

"Not really."

Leafos stepped in front of Delilah and pushed open the door. The bell rang quite loudly to let her know they were there. Delilah wasn't quite as close to Lottie as she was Arfur but they still were good friends when Delilah was younger and Lottie wasn't quite as old.

"Welcome money ba- customers! Ah Leafos and... Delilah? Wow you have grown."

"Yeah. Thanks? Anyway, well I'm glad to see you Lottie, It's been a while. But that's not why I'm here. I need some fruit 4 coconuts, 4 peanuts and 6 bananas...    where can I find them?"

"Isle three fruits and veg. I would grab a basket if I were you." Leafos said before Lottie could even start to reply.

"Yes! basket...  ok I have a basket.  Isle three did you say?"

- Time Skip -

Delilah had finished in the shop and was on her way back to the garden when they were about to pass barts tinkering shop.

"Yo, Leaf. Check the sarsgorrila page in the journal please. Does anything need tinkering?"

"Don't call me leaf. And give me a second I will have a look...    Yep! The coconuts and peanuts all need tinkering with."

"Let's go Bart's then." Delilah said before speed walking towards the shop. Her hands were full so she used her back and her elbow to open the door.

"Well if it isn't you two. Couldn't keep away from me I see Delilah?" She just awkwardly smiled at him and put her things down on the front counter. "Actually I didn't plan on coming here I probably would have just walked straight by if I didn't need to but if I want this sarsgorrila I have no choice. Oh! I'm so sorry! Did I damage your already over the moon ego?" Delilah said with extreme sass. Leafos snorted holding back a laugh from behind Delilah and Bart just seemed absolutely gobsmacked. She was stood infront of him both hands on the desk and shoulders slightly hunched.


"Helloooo. Earth to Bart." Delilah said waving her hand infront of his face.
"Ah, yes. Sorry. Alright. You want all of this doing? I think it will be easier if you just bring me down to your garden and we can do it there it will be much easier for you."

"Oh. Well... alright then let's go."

"Welcome to my garden Bart. This is my tigermisu Benny. He might look intimidating but he is very friendly so don't worry about him." Benny came over and rubbed his head on Delilah's legs before cautiously approaching Bart. He slowly started to circle him being cautious and making long strides. He walked around him, back to Delilah's side as if she needed protecting from the man.

"Anyway, what is it you need doing Delilah my love?" He asked her while his curious eyes wandered around the garden glancing at everything he could see from the tiny galagoogoo's to the huge oak tree standing tall and proud in the centre of the garden.


It's been a very long time since I started writing this chapter and this is as far as I had gotten so I thought I would upload it because I'm unsure whether I will get any further so here you go.

The Sweet and The Sour (Professor Pester x OC ff)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon