Part 2

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Italian: "Hi"
Demonic: "Hi"
Normal: "Hello"
Author notes: Hello friends
Thoughts: 'Why?'

Reborn, Nono and his guardians, Tsuna's guardians, Hana, Kyoko, Haru, the Varia, Enma, Byakuran, Yuni, Aria, the other Ex-Acrobaleno, the kids, Nana, Bianchi, and Gamma were at the meeting "So what is this meeting about?" asked Aria "Its about Tsunayoshi's bullying" said Nono, all of their ears perked up "The Mini-Trash is being bullied!?" yelled Xanxus hitting the table "Yes she is i've seen it myself and her guardians to" said Reborn tilting his fedora to hide the anger in his eyes "Why didn't you guardians stop the bullying!?" yelled Xanxus "Because boss told us not to!" yelled Hayato "Enough" said Nono, they all shut up after that "We are here to form a plan to stop this bullying and get revenge for our precious sky. What do you all say?" asked Nono "Yes" they all said "Great" Nono said.

Then the meeting began, they all had a part in this revenge plan.

~~~~~~The next day~~~~~~

Tsuna got up in the morning not seeing Reborn in her room, Reborn was a father figure for her and now he looked like the age of 20, all of the Ex-Acrobaleno looked that age, Tsuna 'I wounder what Hibari-san will look like when he's older' thought Tsuna with a blush, then she went downstairs, she woke up early than the others because she loved to cook breakfast for them, so she started to cook the food, she got done in 30 minutes, she knew that Hayato and Takeshi were going to come because her HI was telling her that and also it was warning her about something else, then everybody woke up to smell some food, then Hayato and Takeshi knocked on the door which Tsuna opened it up with a warm smile on her face, then everybody sat down and ate, then Tsuna made their bento's, she made bento's for everyone because they had asked her to, because her cooking was like an angels cooking, she smiled when she heard that from her friends, her family, she was humming while making the bento's, she got done by the time it was time to go to school, she then grabbed the bento's and gave Fuuta, Lambo, I-pin, Hayato, and Takeshi, their bento's, she then said bye to them all and Tsuna, Hayato, and Takeshi went to school, Hayato and Takeshi were whispering about something, Tsuna didn't care about what they were whispering about, as long as they were her friends she didn't care, because she trusted them with her life, but she knew one day it would lead to her end, but if fate decided she should die she wouldn't care, but then they were at school, Tsuna walked over to Kyoya "Hey Hibari-san here's your lunch" she said smiling but on the inside she wasn't, Kyoya noticed this so he pat her on the head "Be careful bunny" Kyoya whispered to Tsuna, Tsuna's whole face heated up, she didn't say a word she just nodded her head "O-Okay" stuttered Tsuna able to only say that, then Hibari gave her a kiss on the head, at this point Tsuna was a blushing mess "B-Bye" stuttered Tsuna and gave him a heart worming smile and gave him a kiss on the cheek, but then she realized what she had done and walked away without another word, but she saw a smirk on Kyoya's face when she walked away, Hayato and Takeshi's eyes were as wide as plates so where some of the students that saw that, Tsuna then walked over to Takeshi and Hayato "Lets go" she said with a slight blush on her face.

Tsuna decided to focus on why she didn't see Reborn at all today, it was weird, well he always left, but not for this long, but then her mind went back to what happened with Kyoya, THE HIBARI KYOYA GAVE HER A KISS ON THE CHEEK AND THEN SHE GAVE HIM A KISS ON THE CHEEK BACK AND HE SMIRKED HE JUST SMIRKED!!! She just groaned her HI was warning her of something behind the classroom door, then the door opened to reveal
REBORN!!! 'Oh great my day just keeps getting better and better' thought Tsuna "Hello class I am Reborn" said Reborn tilting his fedora to hide the anger in his eyes "I am here to tell you all that you are to come to the Vongola mansion, your parents have already agreed to this and have already singed the papers" said Reborn, everyone just yelled, then Hibari walked in "I will bite you all to death" said Kyoya and then he 'bit them to death' but he didn't bite Enma, Tsuna, Takeshi, Hayato, Chrome, Kyoko, Haru, and Hana, Tsuna then was dragged off by Kyoya, Kyoya walked into a empty room, and pushed Tsuna towards a wall, then he hugged her, Kyoya started to cry so Tsuna just hugged him back, they sat on the floor still hugging, Tsuna gave him a kiss on the head and gave him a warm smile, Kyoya then kissed her, Tsuna didn't know what to do but she kissed back, they kissed until they needed breath, "Whats wrong Hibari-san?" asked Tsuna with red cheeks "I miss my mother and really needed someone to hug and I thought you were the perfect person, your soft just like a bunny and I knew you wouldn't judge me or laugh at me" said Kyoya, Tsuna then wiped away his tears and put her hand on his cold cheek, "K-Kyoya d-do you love m-me?" stuttered/asked Kyoya "Yes Tsunayoshi I love you so much, ever since I first saw you you made my heart flutter, I knew you were a person that needed to be protected" said Kyoya with a smile, Tsuna blushed "I like-no love you Kyoya and I was always hoping that you felt the same" said Tsuna with a soft smile "Thank you bunny" said Kyoya giving her a kiss "Your welcome" said Tsuna "Would you like to eat lunch with us?" asked Tsuna getting up then helping him up, Kyoya nodded, meaning a yes, Tsuna smiled a very bright smile with cupcakes and rainbows around her, Kyoya just blushed and smirked, they then just walked back to class holding hands, everybody was looking at Tsuna like she was crazy, well she was holding hands with the demon perfect, I mean who wouldn't look at her like she was crazy.

CLASS TRIP TO ITALY!?! (KHR and 1827 fanfiction plus Fem!Tsuna)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin