Spock looked like he was going to disagree, but Kate spoke up and said, "As one of your chief medical officers, I'll have to say I agree.  I'll also have to advise that we can't rest too long.  We don't know what will happen to the rest of our crew since they've been taken by Krall and his followers."

In the silence that settled for the brief moment, everyone seemed to be weighing their options.  They all were exhausted and needed at least an hour of rest, but they didn't know what the rest of their crew was facing.  Kate was surprised, then, when Spock said, "I have to reluctantly agree, Captain.  None of us are in form right now to actually search for and find our friends."

Jim seemed satisfied with Spock agreeing with him and turned to Jaylah and asked, "Do you have somewhere we could all rest."

She nodded and took off down the same hallway that the old med bay was in.  As she, Leonard, Spock, Jim, Chekov, and Scotty all followed, she took Leonard's hand briefly and squeezed it before saying, "I'll be right back," and slipped into med bay.  She knew exactly where she had left the ultrasound machine and grabbed it quickly before hurrying to catch up to the rest of them.

Jaylah was pointing out the eight rooms that were at the end of this hall and directed them, "You all can rest here.  I can come back in one hour."

Jim nodded and said, "Thanks, Jaylah.  For everything."

She nodded, leaving them in the hallway.  Jim turned and looked at everyone and said, "Take advantage of this time, guys.  We've got to be sharp for everyone else," then entered the room closest to him.

As everyone else dispersed, Leonard and Kate entered a room together and saw something very similar to their quarters on the Enterprise.  It appeared that Star Fleet didn't do much redesigning on living spaces over the years.  Leonard sighed as he took Kate's hand and led her over to the bed.  They both sat down and laid back, then turned to look at each other.

Leonard placed a hand on her stomach and said softly, "All I could think about once we landed, after getting Spock patched up that is, was finding you.  I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you...either of you."

Kate pulled herself closer to him and wrapped herself around her husband as she admitted, "I didn't let myself think about you for a while once we landed.  I couldn't stand to think about what if something had happened to you," and began to feel tears forming in her eyes again.

Leonard kissed her forehead gently and said, "We're here together now, Kate.  And I promise, it will take Jim forcing me to get me away from your side again."

Kate laughed gently and said, "Well, Jim sure as hell won't let me go anywhere at this point.  I had to tell him I was pregnant.  I couldn't stop throwing up when we first landed, then I was really weak and he had to support me most of the way here."

Leonard nodded and admitted, "I had to tell Spock, too.  Well, I don't know that I had to tell him that, but I had to keep him talking and it was all that was on my mind."

Kate snuggled into Leonard as she said, "I assumed he knew.  The way he talked to me earlier, he said that he knew you and I needed each other, in spite of you and him not seeing eye to eye."

Leonard groaned and said, "The most uncomfortable moment of my life so far was him admitting that he actually respects me."

Kate laughed at how ridiculous he was being, but was warmed to know that Spock did in fact care about Leonard, as she said, "More uncomfortable than when you told me that relationships weren't good for you?"

Leonard pulled away slightly and sounded affronted as he replied, "Now, darlin', that just isn't playing fair."

Kate cuddled back toward him and kissed him gently before saying, "In spite of your not so bright moments, I did fall in love with you and marry you anyway."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2019 ⏰

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