4: Good Morning, Family

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A smile crept on the woman's face as she watched her husband walk down the stairs. "Morning." She blushed as she felt his hands wrap around her waist from behind.

"Good morning." Mike whispered in her ear, before kissing her neck softly. "You look beautiful." He said quietly, the two swaying back and forth.

"Thank you. Why don't you go ahead and wake up Izzy? Breakfast is almost ready." Carrie said, letting out a deep breath as she pulled plates from the cabinet.

"I'll finish this. He's about to come down he said he had to do something first." Mike shrugged, getting their cups from the counter and pouring orange juice in each one. "How's the little one?" Mike asked,  gently placing his hand on her stomach, Carrie gently sighing. "Everything okay?" She leaned against him, shaking her head.

"I'm alright I'm just not feeling too good." She confessed, licking her lips gently. "I'm okay though." Carrie added, letting out a deep breath, him shaking his head.

"You don't seem fine. Baby, sit down. I'll finish making breakfast." Mike lead her into the living room, to the couch, sitting her down. "Just rest for a little while." He gently kissed her cheek.

Mike went back into the kitchen, finishing making breakfast for the family of three, waiting for his son to come running down the stairs at any moment. He put all three of their drinks around the table before making his way upstairs into his son's room.

"Daddy! Daddy look!" Isaiah immediately jumped up from the tiny table in his room rushing over to show is dad the picture that he'd been drawing of his family.

"Wow bud! That's so good!" Mike chuckled, sitting on the toddler bed and taking the large sheet of paper from his son. He couldn't help but smile as he looked at the sloppy but sweet crayon drawing of their family, seeing his wife that had very tall yellow hair and bright red lips. "I love mommy on here." Mike smiles, wrapping his arm around Isaiah.

"Thank you. I tried, I tried to made you a gun for, for hunting." The young boy pointed out what looked like a black stick beside his father in the drawing.

"You did good. Let's go show mommy." Mike stood from the bed, Isaiah running in front of him excitedly and down the stairs.

"Mommy!" Isaiah screamed, causing Carrie to wince in pain from the headache.

"Sweetie, calm down okay? I'm not feeling too good. Wow, I love it. Honey, it's beautiful." Carrie smiled gently as she looked at the picture that her son had drawn. "You're such a good little drawer." She added, him crawling onto her lap.

"Are you sad?" Isaiah asked, looking at his mother with a serious face, him able to tell that she wasn't happy. "Momma, are, do you not like your red lipstick?" He pointed back to the drawing, the woman shaking her head.

"I love it sweetheart. I just, Mommy's not feeling too well." Carrie answered, Isaiah crawling onto her lap and wrapping his small arms around her neck. "I love you, sweet boy." Carrie smiled softly, kissing his cheek before her had the chance to pull away from the embrace.

"I love you too, Mommy." He answered, squeezing her one last time before he hopped off the couch, running back into the kitchen. Mike leaned over the back of the couch to gently kiss his wife's cheek,

"Breakfast is ready. You okay?" He asked quietly, her taking a deep breath.

"Yeah," the blonde answered quietly, lying. Of course, she wanted to be honest with him; however, at the same time she didn't want him to worry. She stood slowly from the couch, making her way into the kitchen to see her two year-old sitting at his seat, drinking his orange juice quickly. Carrie stood there for a moment, in the doorway, watching the young boy. She couldn't believe that in a little under eight months, there would be two little ones. She was more excited than ever.

So sorry for missing Monday and Wednesday's updates! A lot of family stuff happening right now but all is well! Hope everyone is having a good day and is enjoying this story so far! Friday's update with be posted tomorrow as scheduled! Vote and comment your thoughts!

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