Chapter 43

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You woke to Loki lifting you from the couch and you stirred in his arms. "How was catching up with your dad?" you asked him softly, not truly awake, but awake enough to remember why you had been waiting up for him, even though you had failed at actually staying awake.

It was the thought that mattered.

"It was wonderful," he replied with the brightest smile you could remember ever seeing on his face. He was so lit up that his father had finally given him some attention.

"I'm glad," you told him sleepily, your voice a soft purr.

"You should not have waited up for me," he scolded, but he was gentle and teasing, and was actually touched that you had. He tried to sound stern, but it came out lovingly exasperated.

"Didn't. Fell asleep on the couch," you reminded him.

He chuckled. "Bedtime, darling. We have nothing but big days for the rest of the week," he reminded you . He settled you in the bed and joined you a minute later. He was surprised that you instantly curled up with him. Usually cuddling for sleeping only came after the nightmares. He didn't complain, though, and you fell back asleep safely curled in your boyfriend's arms.

Loki wasn't lying when he said the rest of the week would be filled with nothing but big days. You barely saw him for the week, as you had to learn how to be a princess in the course of a few short days. Frigga and Sif spent every moment possible prepping you for the ceremony and in princess lessons. It was hard work when you had terrible American posture and no idea how to be a princess.

Suddenly, it was the day of the ceremony. Thor burst into your suite stupidly early, before the sun had even rose. "Thor!" you shrieked, pulling the blankets up to cover yourself, even though you weren't indecent. Loki sat up and Thor grabbed him before he could look over at you and tossed him over his shoulder.

"Thor, while I'm sure your wife appreciates the view of your derriere, I would much rather see my darling soulbond," Loki commented dryly, while you giggled at their antics. You didn't know what was going on, but it was fun.

"Tough luck, Brother. You shall just have to enjoy the view of my posterior instead. My soulbond has told me on numerous occasions that it is a wonderful view. It is tradition to not see your soulbond until the ceremony on the day of. You know this, Brother. It is bad luck,"

"We're already bound, moron," Loki replied grumpily.

"Tradition is tradition, Brother," he somehow maneuvered to set Loki on his feet so Loki was facing away from the bed and couldn't see you. "I am willing to be generous, this morning, though," Thor added with a grin. He tied a strip of cloth over Loki's eyes.

"How is this generous, Brother?" Loki demanded indignantly.

"I will allow your lovely soulbond to kiss you goodbye," Thor announced, pleased with himself for being so generous.

"Ah, yes, very generous, Brother," Loki replied sarcastically while you climbed out of the bed. You blushed a little as you was wearing an Asgardian nightdress, which was way more revealing than your normal pajamas. Thor didn't seem phased, though. Loki turned around and you went over to him and stood on your toes so you could give him a kiss. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you deeply, holding you against him while you wrapped your arms around his neck. You finally let him go when Thor cleared his throat. He grabbed Loki again and threw him back over his shoulder.

"I would hate for you to run into a wall, little brother," Thor laughed at Loki's indignant splutters. "Mother and Sif will be here soon to help you get ready, Sister," Thor warned you before he left with Loki. You pulled a robe on and used magic to straighten the room quickly before curling yourself on the couch in the sittingroom with a book to wait for Frigga and Sif.

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