Chapter 34

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"Kat, no, Kat, stay with me!" you heard Loki's desperate please, though blearily as your ears rang. You fought to pull in air, fought to focus on him, on remembering every detail of his face. A decision passed over his eyes, and the healing green glow around him intensified. He was throwing every single ounce of magical strength he had into that glow and you could see the effort it was taking him. "Don't give up Kat, just a couple more minutes, I promise. You can rest in a few more minutes. I know you're strong enough to hold on for that long. If you don't, I shall be quite cross with you." He was speaking just to say words, just to keep you focused on him while he did whatever he was going to do. You tried to smile for him, but he was fading too fast. "Forgive me, love. Survive this and you can hate me forever what what I'm about to do. I promise." He said softly. He took a deep breath and moved one of his blood covered hands so it was holding your left hand.

"Blessed be the name of Odin, my father, and Frigga, his queen. In their names, with their power, and with joy in my heart do I make this vow. With their blessing, I give this gift. I choose you. To stand by your side and sleep in your arms. To guard and cherish, to bring joy to your heart. To learn with you and grow with you. Without your love, I am incomplete. I bind myself to you with these vows, willingly and wholeheartedly, free from doubt or reservation. With love I will tell you the truth as I understand it, I will honor and respect you. I will rejoice in your joys and weep in your sorrows. I will love and cherish you without cease, without pause, without hesitation for all of our days. You are my equal, my partner, my life. So I give this gift to you and you alone. I share my life and my soul with you. All that is mine is yours, I bind myself now to you, from this moment until the end of all of our days," he recited, like a long ago memorized speech. He leaned down and placed his lips to yours. His lips felt less cool, as if your skin were already cooling. But he still tasted of a crisp winter's day.

You felt something pass between you and a shock passed through your joined hands.

"I beg of all the gods, please do not let me have been too late," he whispered. You heard footsteps storming in. Backup was there. Loki smiled down at you. "Rest now, darling," he bid you gently.

You closed your eyes, fading to unconsciousness with the warm image of his smile in your mind.

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