Chapter 19

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You didn't stay out driving terribly late that evening and also tried not to drive your new car too crazily fast. Though it was really, really hard to remind yourself that you didn't want a ticket on your first day of driving your own car.

"I love seeing you this happy," Loki commented from the passenger seat while you were out driving. It was strange for him to be so open and relaxed, even with you. You'd gotten used to him being on guard over you, especially while you were out of the tower.

You smiled over at him for a second before turning your full attention back to the road. "It means a lot that Uncle Tony remembered something I said a couple years ago and surprised me with something so awesome," you explained to Loki. You'd also never told Tony that the reason you liked that particular super bowl commercial so much happened to do with the actor in said Jaguar commercial. A particular actor who played Loki in the Avengers movies. Yeah, you'd never, ever tell him about that and just enjoy your expensive car... "He had been saying for months that he was going to get me my own car. I was expecting some kind of used car, which is typically what kids get for their first car," you continued your explanation. "Instead, he got me something with real meaning." Loki nodded. You could tell he was thinking hard about what you said. "You still are under no obligation or expectation to get me anything for my birthday," you reminded him forcefully. You didn't need anything.

"As if that would stop me," he replied. You could hear the eyeroll in his voice. You sighed at your silly trickster of a boyfriend.

It wasn't long before you drove the pair of you back to the tower. Really, you hadn't been planning on having a huge joyride in your new car, but you couldn't just drive straight home either.

You showed off your gift to the supers at the compound, who all oohed and ahhed, and were generally jealous.

It was still fairly early when Loki suggested you go upstairs and watch a movie on your TV instead of hanging out with the crowd. You figured he wanted to use more healing magic away from prying eyes and gladly went upstairs with him. You changed into your pajamas and curled up on your couch with him, gladly watching whatever movie he had chosen. You hadn't even paid attention to what it was.

Before the end of the movie, you felt your eyes growing heavy. It was barely 9pm. You glared at the clock, wondering what was wrong with you. You remembered that you had pulled an all-nighter, when you really weren't used to doing it, but even that shouldn't have made you that tired...

Loki smiled warmly down at you and leaned in for a kiss. You gladly kissed him back. He raised a glowing hand to you. "May I?" you didn't know what he was asking, but you trusted him, so you nodded. He laid his glowing hand on your forehead.

"You need rest before our big day tomorrow. I wish for you to be able to enjoy it fully," he explained as his magic was swirling around you. "You especially need rest after you kept vigil over me all of last night," he whispered, "and you need rest without dreams, without having to fight that nightmare again," he added even softer. Or you thought it was softer.

You felt the heaviness of sleep crashing over you as his spell wrapped around you like a warm blanket. "Cheater," you mumbled, leaning in to him as your eyes were fluttering shut. You didn't need his help to sleep, but you appreciated knowing that tonight you wouldn't have to face that nightmare.

"Sleep, darling," he bid you gently. He swept you up off of the couch, into his cool strong arms to carry you to bed. "You are the most precious thing in the world to me, my darling. I love you," you weren't sure those last words were real, as you was too far lost to the land of sleep, but they made you smile regardless.


Loki got you up early the next morning, looking like an excited puppy. You laughed as you climbed out of bed. He was completely healed now, and you felt refreshed after your night of dreamless sleep. "Morning," you told him as you sat up in bed.

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