Chapter 19 - Mixed Glass

Start from the beginning

Helping Lana will always be the first step I took to taking back my life, and I will never regret that. I only regret seeing the men I thought of as my Dominates being so... married. I go back and be happy, but I would always be a third wheel. Threesomes are fun for the night, or for a contract, but not for life.

Why was I thinking long term anyway? Was I so desperate for affection and care that I was willing to stoop to such a low level? I refused to de-value myself again, at least to other people...

             "Blue Label, neat." I order at the bar, after spending an hour with Mason signing different documents.

My eyes are cast downward at the clean bar that seems to be constantly touched. I wonder for a moment how the glass top doesn't have millions of fingerprints on it. There must be hundreds of people grazing, or gripping this bar and yet... the glass is clear as day.

I'm snapped out of my glassy-thoughts by the sound of my drink being delivered. Sipping on the dark caramel colored liquor, I welcome and cherish the burn it brings. Slipping the substance around my mouth, around my two tongues, I try to escape my inner monologue.

        "Congratulations Puppy." I can hear the deep dark, whiskey-like voice behind me speak.

         "Thank you, Master Elliot." While my words come out steady and unfurled by his presence, my body and brain are begging at me to kneel. Repelling those thoughts are practically crippling; yet I have to realize at some point, that taking care of myself might have to come first.

           "Would you like to join Alex and I? We can discuss things..." Eli's voice peeks into my tinted brain. Turning around, I avoid eye-contact, but make sure he gets my message none the less...

         "If it's just for the night... I would be happy to accompany Master Alex and you." Since I don't have the option to see his eyes, I can't really look at how his face reacts... but I assume it isn't good.

          "Has there been a misunderstanding between us, Saville?" Eli questions quickly after me.

           "No, more like an influx of clarity on my part."

After my response leaves my lips, I can see Eli's fists tense and clench at his hips. The clearing of his throat sounds more like a growl as he ponders his choices. I really don't get why this is so serious to him.

           "Follow me, pet." He commands, as we begin the familiar walk towards the VIP section.

I've been to many of these exclusive areas before in the past 5 years. One thing I never thought I'd be doing is kneeling on the ground of one. So as Eli finds his Husband, he sits and I follow his example by kneeling at his feet.

The hushed conversation between the two isn't fully audible to me, so I strive to not care about it. My posture remains the same as it did in the training room, straight and unfaltering. While the club music pulsates under my knees, I silently rehearse tomorrow's lines.

Alex's displeased grunts break through my concentration. For a second, I contemplate looking up from my spot on the ground to see what's happening. Though I quickly discard that option, since punishment doesn't sound fun...right now...

           "Let's go, Little One." I hear Alex speak before I am suddenly picked up and thrown over the large man's shoulder.

Unlike last time I was on his shoulder, he doesn't tickle me, only spanks my ass softly as we travel through the crowds. The VIP section is practically just whistling as the hulk of a man carries me out, his Husband softly follow behind us.

My hardened, throbbing erection is currently being jostled and rubbed against the wall of muscle. I wouldn't be surprised if I was leaking already, especially with the memories of previous playtimes running amok in my head. His hand repeatedly tapping my ass is only making me ache for more and more. I want to feel him, feel Eli deep inside me as well...

           "Does our Puppy want to play a game tonight?" I heard Alex ask in a sarcastic hushed voice, after he threw me down on their playroom bed. His words whispered in my ear rather than echoed through the room. The body weight on top of me, makes everything feel better... which provoked my hips into bucking up.

           "Nah nah nah, bad puppy... are you that much a needy slut, wanting to get off on my thigh?" His words are condescending and deep, only making me whimper and moan out in need.

           "Your going to suck your Master off, while Daddy tries out this ass of yours."

Soon I'm removed of all my clothing, some ripped, some thrown across the room. Either way, by the time I get to kneel in front of Eli, my mouth is salivating. Moments after, a massive blush covers my cheeks as some drool escapes my lips, mixing with my already present pre-cum on the floor.

            "It's okay Puppy, you know you don't have to be embarrassed around us." I feel Alex caress my back while he preps my hole.

I'm not embarrassed because of them. I'm embarrassed of what I seem to be, what turns me on, and even more so... that everybody already saw it coming.

            "Have you ever came while being choked?" Eli asks, tilting my head to meet his eyes. A slight shake of my head tell him all he needs to know, before he speaks again.

           "Let's remedy that."

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Love ya HoneyBunnies 😘😘

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